Chapter 604. Mo Qian Has Someone!

When it came to matters involving her family's safety, Zhuang Xian could still distinguish the priorities. Even if the price of doing so were to expose her identity in front of others, Zhuang Xian would not hesitate!

 In her previous life, Zhuang Xian had already experienced too many accidents and misfortunes related to her family. Hence, Zhuang Xian would never allow herself to repeat the same mistakes.

 This was also why she had risked her life several times since she was reborn. She had always tried her best to protect her Zhuang family.

 The atmosphere in the private room became very quiet. Zhuang Xian looked at Lin En's outstretched hand and held it without hesitation, just like how she had wanted to hold Lin En's hand in her previous life.