Chapter 618. Appearance of the Saint Valley Medicine

 Zhuang Xian wanted to take her combat team in the Underworld Gate away from the control of the Underworld Gate and use them for her use! This was something Zhuang Xian had expressed to Ming Tu long ago. It was not something shameful.

 Thinking about these miscellaneous things, Zhuang Xian slowly returned to her senses. It turned out that Ming Tu had put in much effort to get her to accept this mission today!

 At least, the two points mentioned by Underworld Butcher were what Zhuang Xian wanted to do. The sect master of the Underworld Sect was not simple. He fought so many rounds with Zhuang Xian in a roundabout manner over the phone.

 Listening to Ming Tu's endless persuasion and convincing, Zhuang Xian sighed helplessly. She had a decisive idea in her heart! She thought about the assassination attempt that Mo Qian had encountered in Paramount today and the words she had said to Mo Qian in the private room.