The Rock Concert Preparation

Portia's P.O.V:

Today is the day of the concert so we decided to leave Mei with Seiza and Airi. I was making sure that everything is ready for Mei's school tomorrow and all the things he needed for the day. Levi and I decided to leave early so we can still have a tour around near the concert area. Levi and I also agree to go home the next day so we can have time for each other. "Thank you for helping me out with this. We can't just bring Mei to the concert. There will be a lot of people at the concert and it might not be good for Mei." I thanked both of them. "Come on we are happy to take care of Mei," Airi said while she helps me with Mei's uniform. "I just can't believe that both of you become an instant parents to the son of your most hated opponent," Seiza said while sitting and cleaning Mei's bag.