

"Sorry doctor Hemsworth.. I'll caution Denzel and make sure he doesn't disturb the peace of this hospital again!" I said.

Doctor Hemsworth nods and gestures us to leave, we all leave immediately.

"I'm sorry about Felix's action, he's just being spoiled too much... I will scold him!"

Felix's mother apologise when we're already outside doctor Hemsworth's office.

"It's fine, ma'am, my brother is at fault too!" I said.

"No, Anna, Denzel is not at fault.. my Denzel doesn't fight unnecessarily!" Aunt said.

Well, you can see that my family is a no nonsense family... We all just can't stand any oppression.

"Ma'am, it's fine!" I told Felix's mother.

She nods and leaves... Aunt and I continue leading Denzel's to his ward.

Just a few meters to Denzel's ward..I stopped abruptly as I hear an all too familiar voice speak behind me.

"As my fiancee, why did you come to the hospital without informing me?!"

I close my eyes, why is he here?! What is he doing here?! How did he even know I'm at the hospital?!

I can't let aunt know about him, maybe I should pretend like I didn't hear him.

I continue walking but I stop again as he comes in front of me.

"Are you avoiding your boyfriend?!" He asked.

"Boyfriend?!" Aunt exclaimed.

My eyes close on their own, I wish the ground would just open and swallow me.

What should I tell aunt now?

"Aunt Bell?" Klaus said in a surprise tone.

I open my eyes quickly, aunt is staring at him with a frown.. while he's staring at aunt in surprise.

"Aunt Bell?!" He called again.

"How did you know my aunt's name?" I asked him.

Did he investigate my family?! Did he really have to do that?! I glare at him.

"You're...." Aunt trails off expecting him to continue.

"It's me, Nicklaus!" He said.

Aunt look like she doesn't recognize him.. but Klaus on the other hand look so sure that he knows aunt.

Which I'm quite surprised at, how did he know my poor aunt?

"Wilhelm Statham!" Klaus said.

Recognition flashes through aunt's eyes... but she quickly wipes off the recognition when she notices I'm watching her.

"Nicklaus, huh?"

Klaus nods.

"So you're my niece's boyfriend..."

Aunt looks at me and I shake my head in denial.. then she looks back at Klaus.

".. but she haven't told me about you yet!"

Well, that's because he's not my boyfriend, we're not in a real relationship.. I wanted to tell aunt.

"Nicklaus come with me!" Aunt said.

My eyes bulges out.

"Huh? Aunt.. w-what.. what do you wanna talk to him about.. you can ask me!" I stutter.

I don't trust Klaus with aunt, who knows what she's going to ask him.. and who knows what his answer will be!

"No! I wanna confirm something from Nicklaus!"

"But aunt, he...."

"Shh!" Aunt cuts me off. "Take Denzel to his ward, I. Want. To. Have. A. Word. With. Nicklaus!" She said in a firm tone.

Leaving no room for arguments, she walks off towards a direction.

"Don't you dare tell my aunt any nonsense.. better mind your words!" I growled at him.

"Darling, I give the orders... Not you!" He said and rushes after aunt too.

I stand there glaring at the direction they went.. I feel like running after them.. to eavesdrop on their conversation.


"Anna let's go!" Denzel said.

He's the but... I should take him back to rest and also receive some scolding from me.


Authoress' pov 👠

"Aunt Bell, I remembered Nina was an only child...how did she have a younger brother after that incident?" Nicklaus asked.

Aunt Bell sighs deeply.

"Nina is suffering a memory loss..she doesn't remember that Denzel's parents are not her real parents!"

Anastasia's pov 👠

"You think you're batman, right?" I asked Denzel.

We're back in his ward, he sits on his hospital bed while I'm pouring him a glass of warm water.

"He was insulting you, Anna.. he said you're poor!" He replies grumpily.

I slam the glass in his hands and sit on a couch in front of him.

"Denzel, you can't fight everyone that insults me.. do you think fighting makes you cool?"

"But he said you're poor... "

"That doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if I'm poor or not.. what matters is I always make you happy.. I provide you with all you need!"

He stayed silent, he takes the glass of water to his lips and takes a sip.

"Do you know how scared I was when doctor Hemsworth called me? Do you wanna know what I was thinking on my way here?!"

Denzel notices I'm angry, he carefully drops the glass in the small table and reach for my hands.

But I don't let him hold them, I move my hands away from his and stand up from the chair... I walk closer to the window.

"Fighting is wrong, you did something wrong but you're yet to admit it... Is that what I taught you?!"

I feel him wrapping his tiny arms around my waist, since that's where his arms could reach...I'm pretty tall.

He hides his face in my back.

"I'm sorry, Anna, i promise I won't ever pick up a fight with anyone again!"

I scoff.

"I just couldn't let him say bad things about you, I'm really sorry" he said.

"Say it like you mean it, Denzel"

He removes his arms from my waist and kneels down, he raised his fingers and crosses three.

"I promise I won't pick up a fight ever again, I'm sorry, Anna.. I won't make you worry again!"

He's staring at me with his big brown eyes, they look so cute right now.. just like those sad puppies.

"It's fine.. don't make me worry next time, ok?"

He nods. I smile at him and lifts him up, I lean down and kisses his forehead.

"Come on, I'll wash some apples for you!"

He smiles. "Thanks, Anna!"

I lead him back to his bed and makes him lay down. I walked towards some fruits on the table, I take an apple and washes it.

"Anna?" Denzel calls me.


"Is he really your boyfriend?" He asked.

I knew instantly that he's referring to Klaus but I pretend like I don't know.


"That handsome man..."

Handsome man? I smile to myself, there's no denying it.. Klaus is a very handsome man.

I mean, he's the most handsome and hottest man I have ever seen...

Now thinking about it, I guess I should take back what I said about Graham's boss... surprisingly, his boss is not a fat belly, beard old man!

"....are you gonna get married to him soon?" Denzel's question wakes me up from my daze.

"What?! Get married?!"

"Yeah...I watched a movie with aunt, the girl married her boyfriend!"

I smile sweetly at him and shake my head.

"Don't listen to Klaus, he's not my boyfriend and I'm not gonna get married to him!"

He frowns and sits up as I hands him the apple.

"Oh!" He exclaims quietly...in a little bit of a sad tone.

I wonder what aunt and Klaus are talking about.


Authoress' pov 👠

Aunt Bell found a bench in a quiet corner, she sat down and pats the space next to her.

Nicklaus simply stares at it and shakes his head, Aunt Bell frowns.

She reaches out her hand to pull him down, but he quickly takes a step back.. creating a safe space between them.

Aunt Bell frowns in confusion.

"Nicklaus, why don't you sit down?"

"It's fine, aunt Bell, I'd rather stand" he replied.

"But there's enough room for both of us"

Nicklaus stares at the little space left on the short bench.. he shakes his head again.

"I.. I.. can't sit near you..."

He trails off and gulps.

"I'm allergic to women!" He said.

Aunt Bell finds it strange and hard to believe but didn't push it further.. after all, her niece is also suffering from amnesia.

"Nicklaus, so how did you find Nina.. even with her name changed?" Aunt Bell ask him.

Nicklaus dips his hand in his jacket pocket and pulls out a photo, he hands it to aunt Bell.

Aunt Bell stares at it.

"I asked about the little girl and she told me she's her!" Nicklaus said.

Aunt Bell sighs deeply as she stares at the photo, she runs her fingers through it.

"Nicklaus, my niece has passed through too many hardships.. it hasn't being easy for her!"

"What do you mean, Aunt Bell? What exactly happened to her?"

Aunt Bell shakes her head miserably.

"Her father's company was already having issues, that's why he decides to engage Nina to you and make her your wife... "

Nicklaus tucks his hands in his pocket and listens carefully.

"... but her parents were assassinated few days after the engagement.. they were killed in their own home, luckily Nina was well hidden by her mom before the attack!"

Aunt Bell paused and frowns as if she's recalling something, while Nicklaus waits for her patiently to continue.

"She was already passed out when rescue came.. the doctor treating her said she had too much gas in her system.. and she had a hard fall which affected her head.. he concluded that she's gonna die... "

To Be Continued...

Who else is enjoying Danzel's mom story?