Authoress' pov 👠

Claudia walks out of the elevator and head to the pantry, with her coffee mug in her hand.

She stops when she hears three female staffs talking.

*I can't believe it, Mr Statham actually have a girlfriend!*

*Yeah, right… she's so pretty, I saw her!*

*But she doesn't look like those classy ladies, she's just the perfect match for Mr Statham!*

*Who would've thought Miss Claudia isn't the one.. with the way she carries herself!*

*Yeah, she's so full of herself… Unfortunately, she's not the future Mrs Statham!*

They laugh at that statement, Claudia couldn't hold it in.. she clears her throat.

They stare at her with their eyes widen in fear..

"Miss Claudia…"

"Don't you have work to do?! Is gossiping what you're getting paid for?!" She growls at them.

"S-sorry, Miss Claudia…"

"If I hear you spreading rumors, I'll see to it that you're dealt with!" She sneers at them.