
The tension that lingers in the air after she left is so suffocating, Klaus is scowling and gritting his teeth

Even Bill and Denzel could feel the tension.. such a thick air in her

Bill and Denzel quietly retreats out.. to play I guess. To ease the tension, I clear my throat and turn to aun

"Aunt, you wanted to tell me about a good news

Aunt quickly understand what I'm trying to do, she nods and smile

"Doctor Hemsworth came yesterday.. he said Denzel's operation will commence on Monday

"Wow! Really?!


"Oh my God! Oh my God! Thank you Jesus!" I shou

A bolt of joy burst within me, I'm so happy that I don't even know how to express my happines

Tears brim in my eyes, I pull my aunt into a hug and let my tears flow and I cry on her should

"Aunt, it's happening... it's really happening!" I chan

"Yes, sweetie.. the day we've been praying for is finally here!