Anastasia's pov 👠

Nicklaus's mansion... 7:32pm...

I open my eyes, I realized I'm still cuddling with Klaus. 

We decided to cuddle after bath but I didn't know when I fell asleep! 

"You're awake!" Klaus states, I nod.

My stomach growls loudly and I feel Klaus' body vibrate, he's chuckling...he hugs me closer than before.

He placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Is my baby hungry?" He asked.

"I guess!"

"Wait for me here, I'll go get you something from the kitchen!" He said.

He lays me back on the bed and get out of bed, he's in his boxers only.

My eyes meets his lower body and my mind races back to our wild s£x few hours ago... if we could go wild for the first time, I wonder how wilder it would be later.

"Are you lusting after me?" He asked.

I rolled my eyeballs and scoff, I pulled the blanket up to my chest.

"There's nothing to see there!" I said.