Authoress' pov 👠

#Marc_law_firm... 9:59am...

Marcus just finished signing the last file on his table, he pushes them aside and types on his computer.

Then he hears a knock on the door, without raising his head, he mutters a come in.

The door opens and Matilda walks in, she clears her throat quietly before speaking.

"Mr Aurelius!"

Marcus's head quickly snaps up, a big smile suddenly appears on his face.. he stands up abruptly and rushed to her.

He pulled her into a brief hug.

"What took you so long?" He asked.

Matilda tries to move away from him, but couldn't as he's holding onto her tightly.. Marcus releases a contented sigh.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time, I wanted to come look for you in your apartment after...."

"Er... you're kinda crushing my bones!" She said.

He quickly lets go of her, comports himself...the smile on his face not faltering.