Matilda's pov 👠

LA city hospital...

After spending some hours in traffic, we finally arrived at the hospital.. Marcus parks on a space in the parking lot.

We head for the entrance.

Just when we step into the building, someone bumps into me.. I turned to scold the person but discovered it's Tasia. 


I didn't get to finish my words because Tasia is no longer in sight... I frown. 

Why did she run out like a deranged girl? Tasia only runs like this when there's something troubling her.

I frown...did something bad happened?

"Isn't that Anna?" Marcus asked. 

"Yes, but... " I trail off wondering what is happening. 

"Why did she run out, isn't she supposed to be here until her brother's operation is completed?"

Her brother's operation.. that's it! Something must have happened?

My eyes grows wide when something dawned on me, I gasp and grip Marcus's arm.