Meanwhile, Jack sits in a chair at the place he and Anastasia normally meet. 

He opens the last bottle of beer on his table and take a large gulp.. his face already turned red from too much drinks he's had.

*I don't wanna hate you and I don't want to have you as my enemy.. just don't show yourself in front of me ever again!* 

*I trusted you so much, but what did you do? You lied to me!*

*I'm disappointed in you, Jack!*

He begin to recalls Anastasia's words to him when she found out he lied.

Then he reminisces when they were happy.. him, Matilda and Anastasia.. how they were always having fun together.

Thinking back to those days, he suddenly realizes that Anastasia had showed him all her love for him.. he was just too naive to notice.

He chuckles... slurring.

"How funny life can be...it plays the most expensive joke on you!"

He grabs his bottle of beer and take another large gulp.