My joy right now is so great that I couldn't even describe it.. I feel so happy but I couldn't believe it's real.

It still felt like a dream to me, I'm afraid if I wake up from this dream I'll face harsh reality!

"Er.." Denzel coughs lightly. ".. Anna, you're kinda crushing me!" He said.

I quickly pull away from him, I pass him a smile and pulls his nose gently.

"Denzel, you're alive!" I said.

He reaches his hands and wipe my tears with a frown.

"Why are you crying? It's not as if I'm dead..."

Seems like he doesn't know he resurrected from death.

"... doctor Hemsworth said I'm very strong, he said I made everything easy for him.. right doctor Hemsworth?" He asked Hemsworth.

"Yes, Denzel is a superman! He made everything easy pissy for me!"

Denzel turns to me with a smile, his hands in his waist.

"Told ya!" 

I nod.. I know doctor Hemsworth actually meant otherwise.