"Tasia!" Matilda scream excitedly when I stepped out of the cab.

Yeah, I didn't let Graham take me... I don't wanna drive in fancy cars, to avoid people saying I'm getting too proud.

"Tasia, it seems like we haven't seen in forever!" She said and grab my hands.. swaying them.

I rolled my eyes and flick her nose.

"We saw each other this morning at the hospital" 

She rubs her nose with a frown, she nods slowly.

"Yeah, that's right!" 

My eyes scan the place, I saw an empty table in a corner outside the mall.

"Let's go over there" I said, pointing at the table.

She nods and we walk towards the table... we sit down and I release a long sigh. 

"I thought we're here to shop?"

"I said I need your help, I didn't ask you to accompany to shop!" 

She glares at me playfully, she reaches for her phone and types something before shoving it back in her bag.