Authoress' pov 👠

"Marc!" Nicklaus called when he steps into Marcus's mansion.

There's no response, but he knew Marcus is around since his home is open.

"Marcus!" He called again, his voice echoes in the living room. 

With a frown on his forehead, he walks closer to a sofa.. his hands tucked in his pockets.

Marcus's laptop is on, he leans down and turns it towards himself... his eyes lands on a name.

He tensed before turning his gaze to the picture, he studies the picture with a very deep frown.


Marcus shouts as he jumps out of his kitchen, in hopes of scaring Nicklaus... but to his deepest disappointment, Nicklaus remain unmoved.

"Are you a stone! At least show me some reaction!" He winces and sits down.

Nicklaus grabs his collar and pulls him closer to the center table.. he points at the picture.

"Who is this?!" He asked with all seriousness.

Marcus frowns too and leans on the table.