The little girl run as fast as her legs could carry her, finally she made it to that Villa.. she stopped to catch her breath.

Her eyes moved to the door, it's just a few steps away from her.. she rushed towards it, she grabbed the handle and pushed the door open.

This time I rushed in with her before the door would close back.

"Uncle! Uncle! Come help my mama and papa!" She started calling from the door.

My eyes move around, I see a man hanging from a chandelier, a rope around his neck and blood dripping off him... so much blood, the man is already dead.

A teenage boy is laying unconsciously on the floor, the man's blood is dripping on him... A man is standing in front of them, he's holding a blade in his hand.. a very sharp blade, I can't see the man's face because his back is facing me.

The little girl is still by the door, she haven't seem them yet.