LA city hospital...

I hop out of the car and wait until Graham drives out of the parking lot, before I head towards the hospital building. 

"Good morning, ma'am!" 

I cheerfully greet an elderly woman walking past me in crutches. 

"Good morning, my dear... do you mind helping me down these steps?" She asked... pointing at the two steps ahead of her.

"Sure!" I replied.

I put my arm around her waist and helped her walk down the steps slowly... I made sure she's balance before unwrapping my arms around her.

"Thank you, my dear, may God bless you!"

"Thank you, ma'am!" I replied and turn to go my way.

Just a few steps away from Denzel's ward, I heard Rhoda's voice calling my name.


I turned around, she's walking towards me with a smile.. I take in her outfit and wags my eyebrows teasingly at her.

"Wo~o~w! Someone is looking a little different today!"