Anastasia's pov 👠

This isn't the Jack I knew, he's not the jack I grew up with.. why is he acting like a villain now? 

"... Tasia, I have to do this, else you wouldn't..."


"Don't cut me off when I'm speaking!" He growls and I flinch.

He stopped at a few inches away from me, he's dragging a wooden armchair along with him.. 

"Jack, if you want us to talk, we can talk somewhere else.. somewhere like.. a cafe!"

He slams the chair on the ground and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Didn't I tried that? Did you show up?!"

He sits on the chair and fold his arms on his chest, the ways he's staring at me is sending shivers down my spine.. bad shivers.

I continue taking slow steps backwards, my eyes not leaving him in case he makes any move.

"Why are you always turning a blind eye towards my feelings, Tasia?"