Nicklaus's pov 👠

"Mr Statham, I already fired those guards per your instruction!" 

Graham reports as he drives into garage, he carefully parked the car and comes to my side.. he pulled it open.

"Good, assign new guards and make sure they're competent this time!"

"Yes, sir!" 

I walked out of the garage, with Graham trailing behind me.. he's checking something on his phone.

"The reporters are gone, you can use the front door now" he said.

I stopped walking and he bumps into my back, he quickly take two steps back.

"I'm sorry, Mr Statham!" He apologised.

"It's fine, you're dismissed!"

"Thank you, Mr Statham!" He said and walked towards his bike.

While I proceed towards the front door, I grab the door handle and pushed the door open.

I stepped into the living room and my eyes fell on Nina, she's talking to someone on the phone.