Authoress' pov 👠

LA city police station...

"What do you mean there's a break-in?!" Chief constable Brain yelled at his boys.

None of them could speak, since they can't give account of what actually happened last night.

"Who was guarding his cell last night?!" He asked.

"Quan and Parker" one of them replied.

Chief constable Brain avert his gaze towards Quan and Parker, they're both facing downwards...not ready to look at his eyes.

"What happened? Why is he missing from his cell?" Brain asked them.

They shakes their heads, which only angered Brian more.

"What do you mean? What should we tell Mr Statham?! Huh?!"

Quan raised his head slightly, but still not looking at Brain's face.

"Chief, we don't know what happened..we were playing cards and suddenly fell unconscious, when we woke up his cell was already empty!" Quan explained.

Brain glared at him.