Authoress' pov 👠

Nicklaus glared at Matilda as she runs out the door, he rubbed his cheek softly to numb the stink.

"Nicklaus, she almost broke my hand" Claudia whine.

Nicklaus tenderly checked her hand, he rubbed it for a brief moment before facing the audience again.

"Ladies and gentlemen.. I'm sorry you had to see that drama, sorry for the disturbance.. please, let's continue with the party!" He said.

The audience clapped briefly and the party continued as usual.. he wrapped his arm around Claudia's waist and they stepped down from the podium.

"Is your hand still hurting?" Nicklaus asked Claudia.

"No, with you giving me your undivided attention, I feel better!" She replied.

She stared in Nicklaus's eyes, then slowly lean forward, she closed her eyes and pouts her lips.. waiting to crash it on Nicklaus's.