Rhoda's pov 👠

Statham's Villa... 9:53pm...

I had just tucked Bill in bed when my phone began ringing, I reached for it on the bedside table and saw it's Raymond calling me.

Reluctantly, I picked the call.

"Hello?" I answered in a tired voice.

"Hello, Rhoda, you sounded tired.. did I called at the wrong time?" He asked.

I shake my head... He didn't called at the wrong time, I'm just too tired from today's work.

After picking Bill up from school, the rest of my day was very hectic... I attended to seven patients.

"Rhoda? Are you still there?" He asked.

"Yeah...I'm still here" I replied.

I released a short yawn and rubbed my eyelids, trying to chase away the sleep from my eyes.

"Well, I guess I should call later.. I don't think now is a very good time..."

"It's fine, tell me why you called" I cut him off.