Authoress' pov 👠

Benjamin's residence...

The dinning table is silent as everyone is focused on their food.. well, Claudia wasn't focused on her food.

Ever since Nicklaus called and informed her they'll be going to work together, she's been checking her wrist watch at every given opportunity... she's impatiently waiting for him.

"Claudia, stop checking your watch and eat first" her grandma said.

Claudia ignored her, she picked her phone and types on it...then she came across the news of Anastasia's death.

An evil smirk appeared on her face, she quickly dialed her father's number.. she waited for a few minutes before he picked up.

"Claudia" he spoke.


She cut herself off when she remembered where she is, her mom is staring at her with a frown...her grandma isn't staring at her but there's a small frown on her forehead.

"Did you see the news?" She asked.