Anastasia's pov 👠

Nicklaus's penthouse... Outside LA...

The next morning...

I woke up feeling numb all over, it's as if I took a sleeping pill last night.. that's making me feel groggy. 

With a soft groan, I massage my stiff neck gently.. then my free hand fell on my stomach and I rubbed it fondly.

Last night, I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't realized when I fell asleep.

I'm truly pregnant! A tiny human is growing inside me, a smile tug the corner of my lips.

Had it being I was already married to Klaus, aunt would be so delighted to hear this news.. but now...

Well, let's forget about that for now, until all this is over, I should take care of myself and my unborn child... I'll abort it doesn't mean I shouldn't care for it now that it's still in me.