Anastasia's pov 👠

Aunt's residence...

"Are you sure aunt's not gonna cut off my head?" Klaus asked.

I shook my head.

If not that I'm quite nervous myself, I would have burst into laughter at how scared he looks right now. 

We're currently in Klaus' car, that's parked right outside aunt's apartment.

"Let's just go in there and calmly tell her everything, besides before she'll scold you... she'll kill me first!" I said.

"Thanks, that helped a lot" he said sarcastically.

I chuckled, I grabbed the door handle and pushed it open... I stepped out and Klaus followed.

He grabbed my hand and stopped me, I turned to him.

"What? Why are you stopping me?" I asked.

"You're not strong, I'll carry you"

He made to swoop me in his arms, but I quickly took two steps away from him and flicked his nose.