Anastasia's pov 

Dr ghost's pharmacy....

"Drive safely, darling" I said when I stepped out of Klaus' car.

We just arrived at dad's pharmacy a few minutes ago, and we've been inside Klaus' car...kissing and unwilling to let each other go.

Well, you can say I'm the one who's unwilling to let him go, I kept deepening the kiss...eish! 

I don't understand why I'm being clingy right now...but after some minutes, I decided to step out.

"I will, now go inside" he replied.

I nod and rushed inside, I stood by the window and waved him from there.. he waved me back a few moments and drove off. 

"Your husband is gone, can you acknowledge your dad now?" I heard dad's voice whispered in my ear. 

In fret, I jumped away from the window.

I slowly turned to face dad, he's folding his arms on his chest.. he arched an eyebrow at me.

"Dad, I didn't see you here" I said.