All's well that ends well.

After tossing and turning for nearly the entire night, Pearl rolled out of her bed when she heard a loud bang on her door. She knew it was her.. Olivia. Possibly, the only person cared about Pearl. Sadly.. she was just her maid..

Oliva must have come to check if Pearl was ready for her school. But why would her maid bang on the door.. like the house was on fire, Pearl wondered and tried to pull herself out of her slumber. Her heart dropped to her stomach when she quickly peeked at her cell phone.

Damn!! She had overslept and was already thirty minutes late. She still needed to take a bath and, put on her dress, take care of her dark circles and eyes that were looking hauntingly red by now. Thankfully, everything was kept ironed and stacked in place. Even her bag was ready on the table.

Pearl was sure Olivia must have knocked a few times, and when she received no answer, she must have started to get worried. Heavensll!! Save her soul.. Everything was on the verge of going down the hill if her mother, who was still downstairs, came up to her room after hearing this commotion.

Pearl skidded towards the door and opened it, just a crack. "How is Madam Danger Millers' mood today?" she whispered. Olivia clapped her hand over her mouth. Pearl was still in her pajamas and would most definitely be late for her school. Besides, Mrs. Millers hated tardiness, so she would rip both of them into pieces if Pearl was not ready within ten minutes.

"Oh, my dear heavens!" She exclaimed in a whisper and stepped inside the room. "Please be quick. Your mother is still downstairs. But, we do not have much time," Olivia warned worriedly.

It is often said that life is like chapters of a book. With every page we turn, life brings hope for a better tomorrow. If today does not look good, tomorrow will be a new day with something hopeful. It is also said, that everything happens for a reason. Maybe! But the problem with life is that we just can't figure out the effin reason for all those unwanted and unfortunate things we go through.

We feel it is unnecessarily happening and hampering the smooth sailing of our life. How do we know why certain things happened and what was the hidden reason behind it? That question shall always remain. Until the day someone finds the answer to it.

Pearl Millers is a daughter of a well-known socialite, Brianna Millers, and her father, Mr. Casper Millers is a multi-millionaire. So, as their daughter, it is her responsibility to maintain a good image in front of everyone. As expected from her, Pearl is good in academics, has a lot of friends, and everyone loves and adores her. But.. nobody knew the real her.

They are allowed to see and know the façade, that Pearl had put up in front of everyone, but nobody has ever managed to break through the wall she had long ago built around her. In brief, she trusted nobody and therefore was lonely, despite the people around her.

When Pearl is not surrounded by hordes of people... her solace is in her bedroom. A comfortable place where loved spending her time watching movies and reading books. She secretly aspired to be a writer, but even more than that, she wanted to travel the world. Even if that meant she had to go alone. Pearl was tired of putting up with endless parties that her parents throw, then countless functions she had to attend, and a handful of activities she had to participate in.

In brief, being in the limelight and surrounded by people, Pearl did not feel comfortable with. Her cheeks hurt with the fake smile she had to put up around everyone. Whenever she looked at herself in the mirror, she felt as if her jaws have grown bigger. The jaw size was now giving her a natural look of a forever smiley face.

All she wanted to do was sit inside her room and read. Every book, sort of, took her to a new world that was far more interesting than the life she was living. Pearl would love to get lost in those new books- the new world phase, letting the present world of fakeness fade away. Because one thing she knew for sure was that her parents would never allow her to travel the world that she so eagerly wanted to see and explore.

Since she was stuck here, in this house, in her current over-crowded lonely life, Pearl loved to explore the world all those books showed her.. or even movies, for that matter. She longed to be rescued by someone who understood the girl she was deeply hidden behind the facade.. because she wasn't waiting for a prince charming. Never did!

And she also knew there wasn't any enchanting princess either. The one who would leave her spellbound and rescue her from her entrapment. Ah! Her wistful thinking would forever be trapped in her heart.

Pearl quickly took her bath, fumbled through her room to dress up, and dabbed a quick make-up, especially to hide the dark owlly eyes. She rushed out of her room with Olivia trailing behind, glided down the stairs, and reached the breakfast table as quickly as she could manage.

Yet!! There was her mother glaring at her, sending daggers her way and boring a hole in her poor exhausted body. She had to put up with everything her mother ordered, but not once was her mother happy with anything she did. And that was pretty exhausting for Pearl.

She knew well enough what was coming her way, yet, she greeted her parents, then gave a quick side hug to her father, and was about to take her seat when her mother growled. Pearl's father was an extremely busy man, and so there were chances he would be upset or in an angry mood, and at that time Pearl avoided him. Yet, her father was more of a friendly one out of the two, because her mother was a permanent angry bird.

All her father wanted from Pearl, was that she mustn't do anything that would harm their good reputation. And Pearl understood what he meant. Because paparazzi were ready to bite their arse, if they so much as stumbled.. let alone slipped altogether. If that made sense. However, the problem was her father was very busy.

Her mother was a busy socialite, but not more than her father. Pearl had to face her mother more often than her father. One more thing that Pearl quietly hoped would change. Because, with her mother, Pearl felt like she was all the time walking on eggshells... no, it was more like broken glass pieces. Pearl would always bleed.. sometimes even literally.

Now that Pearl was late for breakfast, according to rule no... 'who-the-eff-cared', she should have apologized and waited for her mother to approve her of the breakfast, then walked towards her seat. But, in the rush and feeling famished, Pearl made the mistake of skipping the step.. Pearl's mother grew angry and began yelling at her.

"It's time for you to grow up and stop embarrassing us all the time. Clean your mess. How long do you think, you'd be stuck inside this house, living in our shadow?" Mrs. Millers huffed, "Soon, you would be engaged and be married shortly after. Do you think waking up late is acceptable? Stop acting like you are some princess.. of your imaginary world, where you have no responsibility."

"Calm down!!" Mr. Millers smoothly spoke, "She's still just a child. I'm sure she'd learn to take this as a lesson and not repeat it the next time. Let it go, dear." He smiled at both his wife and Pearl, then motioned her to sit down. Pearl, still hesitated before sitting down. Her mother was not done with her yet.

"She had been wasting her time with drama and art classes, even more in dance classes. I fail to understand, why? Why can't she just stick to her studies and get through her school? What's the use...." Mrs. Milers continued to bark, but her husband cut her off. Pearl dared not to talk back to her mother. The result could be severe, to the extent of cutting back her meals for days on the end.

"My daughter is very popular and admired by everyone. Didn't you hear her teachers praising her?" Mr. Miller patted Pearl's shoulder. "She is just doing what her teachers want her to. She is good at her studies too, so I don't think we must stop her from anything she wishes for."

"But, instead of wasting her time taking part in anything and everything, she can just take dance classes and spend some QUALITY time with Jayden. Get to know him better." Mrs. Millers added. Pearl could only mentally huff.

Mr. Miller turned to look at Pearl and gave her a smile that did not quite reach his eyes, "If you keep your grades up, then you are allowed to take part in whatever you want. But, do not stray away. About Jayden... your mother is right, that you must spend more time with him." He patted Pearl's shoulder again, but this time it felt more like a warning.

Even his voice was quiet and held a warning in it, but the smile on his face was stuck. Pearl returned the smile, not trying to upset her father when her mother was already a ball of fire right now. Her father was her only way out of the house if she wanted to survive her mother's lesson right now.

To her relief, Pearl succeeded in doing just that. She quickly finished having her breakfast, grabbed her bag, then mumbled an apology to her parents.. not looking at her mother, then gingerly sprinted, hoping her mother would not stop her from leaving.

Her driver was right outside waiting for her. Pearl's father walked towards his car but turned around to smile at her. "Have a great day!" he said and then slipped into his car. Pearl leaped inside her car as well and soon she was out of the gate, only then did she take a breath of relief.

Approximately fifteen minutes later, her car came to a halt, in front of her school. The entrance was bustling with students as she walked towards the door. That's when she noticed that same woman lurking around the premises, standing at a far-end corner.

But that was not the problem. What bothered Pearl the most was how this woman stared at Pearl. Her eyes, or perhaps just about how the woman did the same thing every single day, the moment Pearl came to school, really creeped her out. The woman always stood at a distance, at a corner, as if trying not to grab attention. Yet, for Pearl, this woman was unmissable.

Pearl should have gotten used to this, but she didn't. The woman did nothing wrong. She just stood and watched Pearl from a distance. Not once did she approach Pearl nor cause any kind of trouble. Yet!! Something about this woman creeped her out.

Just as Pearl was walking towards the entrance door, still lost in her thoughts, she felt somebody sprinting toward her. She was about to turn when one of her friends nearly jumped on her, and Pearl sucked in a breath. "Hey, Pearl!!" It was one of her friends, so Pearl let out a breath of relief, "Hi Jae!" Pearl smiled at her friend. Jae grinned at her, then frowned the very next moment.

Pushing back her spectacles, she glared at Pearl, "You forgot to pick me up today and did not bother to answer my calls or reply to my texts. And now I am angry," Pearl bit her lips, "I did not forget about you, Jae. I woke up late," Pearl explained. "Trust me, I just reached here," Jae stood with her mouth agape for a brief moment, then quickly placed her hand over Pearl's forehead.

Pearl let out a chuckle, "I am absolutely fine, Jae. I just overslept," Jae nodded her head. It was something that was rare for Pearl to be late for school... or anything for that matter. Pearl was known to do every task on- or before the deadline.

They both walked towards their locker, where girls were having their giggling fits, and some were walking in and out of the restroom after re-painting their faces, puffing up their chest double-fold, so as to attract attention. However, the boys were too engrossed in the discussion of the new talk in the town. It seemed a new student who had joined the school this year had gathered quite an attention and why not? She was sure eye-catching... even for Pearl.

But, Pearl could never show her interest openly. Remember the silent warning from her father? She wasn't allowed to say or do anything that would affect the 'reputation' of the family. Not that she was allowed to do anything that interested her, anyway.

Pearl huffed and was about to drop her shoulder dejectedly, just then, two of her other friends walked up to her. And Pearl, as a habit, plastered a smile on her face and walked to meet those two, in the mid of the hallway. She crossed, 'Ms. Talk of the Town,' on her way, but pretended to be unfazed by her blinding beauty.

Pearl had always been a popular student. And not just because of her parents but also because Pearl was liked and admired by her fellow students. But she had the weirdest trios as her close friends. Jae, Jade, and Jayden. The nerdy Jae was her neighbor and a go-to friend for any subject. They met in kindergarten, and since then, Pearl had been stuck with her to make sure she is one of the top-scoring students in her class, just like Jae.

Jade was an outstanding student in every class. No matter what subject, Jade would always be standing outside the class. She was the one Pearl mingled with to have some social life. But Pearl knew both Jae and Jade were with her only for the sake of her parents. After all, they were influential.

Jayden was the son of a family friend. The two met at one of the many parties their parents forced them to attend. As time went on, they became good friends and chatted on regular basis. The parties felt less painful because they had each other to spend time with.

To avoid her parents and their round-the-clock nagging, Pearl had registered for various extra-curricular activities. She attended several debate competitions, was a member of the drama club, and took classes for painting and dance classes too. Jayden was with her in her dance class. Only because, their parents wanted them to date, so they might one day get married.

However, Jayden was least interested in Pearl, but neither was she. Jayden wanted to be close to Jae and so Pearl and Jayden pretended to date each other, so he could be close to Jae, and Pearl can be relieved from the endless nagging and the pressure from her parents. Her parents wanted Jayden and Pearl to get engaged right after she completes her studies.

And unfortunately, this was her last year, which means she and her friends were thinking of ways of delaying this inevitable engagement for a few years, so Jayden would be able to focus on his father's business and Jae can pursue further studies meanwhile, without worrying about taking any hastened steps.

"Hey pretty arse!" Jade spanked Pearl's butt, before hugging her. Pearl hated this one thing about Jade, but she was just that... carelessly shameless. Also, they were friends, so she cared about her too. "Jade!!" Pearl shrieked. "We're at the corridor. What do you think you are doing?" she reprimanded in low voice, while frantically looking around if somebody had noticed. "Hey! We're friends." Jade defended. Pearl arched her eyebrows, "So?"

"So..." Jade scooted closer, "Get effin used to it girl!" she casually shrugged. As if she had stated the obvious and walked away with Jayden and Jae trailing behind. Pearl huffed and shook her head. "Crazy!" she muttered under her breath, then followed her friends to the classroom.

The day went on as usual, with nothing out of the ordinary. Thankfully, she was saved from her mother's punishing rage in the morning. Apart from that one near mishap, nothing else happened, and Pearl was relieved. But.. not for long. Because Mr. Poozy, as everyone called him behind his back, caught Pearl in the corridor at the end of the day.

Mr. Donnie or Mr. Poozy made everyone's stomach feel queasy. He had a handful of hair sticking out on his barren head and it looked like the hair on a woman's private part. If that was not enough, he reeked of perspiration.. almost all the time. He was handling the drama club, while Mr. Underwear Dropping handsome drama teacher, Mr. Mitch, was gone for some personal reason.

"Hello, Pearl," He gave a broad smile, "Liza from the prop department was unwell, and had to be sent back home today. It turns out that she would have to take rest for two or maybe three days, so I'm short handed." He, very slightly jutted out his lips. "I could have made another arrangement, but it all happened at the last moment and now I need somebody to help out in the drama club." He shrugged his shoulders.

As Mr. Poozy approached Pearl for help with the drama club, her friends quietly slipped from her side. In the end, Pearl was left alone and couldn't say no to the help, because the teacher kept pleading. He even volunteered to call Pearl's parents and talk to them, that Pearl would be late in returning home today.

With no other option left, Pearl dropped a text to her mother and called her driver to inform them that she would have to wait and help out in the drama club. To which, her mother sent her a reply that she must return no later than eight and the driver agreed to wait until then.

It was a relief that Pearl did not have to deal with the teacher directly, or she wouldn't have survived without gagging... if not pouring her guts out. Anyway, the drama club could also hold Pearl's interest. She loved when the students practiced their lines, the emotions they exhibited and everything that ran behind the curtains were very fascinating.

Pearl quietly made mental notes about everything she saw happening in this club. One day, she always thought to herself.. One day she would write her own story to publish it, And then some drama club or theater actors would be performing on her story too. A smile automatically stretched her lips.

Pearl hadn't realized that it was past seven-thirty and her deadline was eight. She quickly called her driver to pick her up in front of the entrance and grabbed her bag to rush out of the door. However, once again, out of nowhere, Mr. Poozy found her. "Thank you for your help, Pearl. Let me see you out till your car." He smiled broadly. But, Pearl shook her head, "I'm in a hurry, sir. I have to be back home by eight. I'll see you later." she waved and was about to leave when her phone rang.

It was her driver. He called to tell her that the car is in front of the cafe.. nearby her campus and he would be at the parking in five minutes. But, Pearl cut him off, "See you at the cafe." and disconnected the call to run as far away as possible from Mr. Poozy. She successfully ran out of the campus and managed to reach the cafe... almost.

In her haste, Pearl bumped into Ms. Allure!! The new transfer student and the girl ended up spilling her coffee over her dress. Pearl quickly apologized and grabbed a bunch of tissue from a nearby counter and helped the girl clean the mess on her.

While trying to help clean the stain, Pearl's eyes unknowingly landed on the ample chest of the other girl and she froze right at that moment. Pearl visibly swallowed and blinked a few times, trying to pull herself out of the trance and hoping that nobody noticed her swollen chest in response to the marveling treat in front of her.

Pearl cleared her throat, "Please forgive me!" she begged. "I wasn't looking and I ended up spoiling your dress." But the girl only smiled at her, "No worries, Pearl! I was on my way home." It came as a surprise that the girl knew her name. Pearl was no doubt very popular, but she didn't think the girl would care about her.

Now, the problem was, that Pearl did not know this girl's name. On second thought, she knew her name. They've been introduced once--- by somebody. Maybe her friend or a teacher? However, she couldn't remember it right now.

Pearl was feeling embarrassed and didn't know how to ask her name. But, before Pearl could say anything, the girl stuck out her hand, "Violet!" she introduced herself. Relieved that she didn't have to ask her name and make a fool of herself, Pearl shook her hands and smiled broadly.

No sooner had their hands touched, than Pearl felt the tug. She's been fighting against this current with everything she had in her, for a long time now. She knew this can't happen, her parents would disown her. Mrs. Millers would peel or burn her alive.

Nevertheless, as soon as the soft hands engulfed hers, the current she had so tactfully avoided, pulled her in. And now, Pearl wanted to explore this feeling, come what may. But, she couldn't jump on Violet, just like that. For all she knew, this girl may not reciprocate her feelings... the desire Pearl felt.

Violet was quite reserved, so it was hard to deduce what her preference would be. But, Pearl could help but notice, that none of the boys in her school could hold her interest. They've been trying to hit on Violet, since the day she transferred. But, Pearl had neither seen her nor heard about Violet being interested in anyone of them. Leave alone talking to them.

Instead, she'd stuck to the girls who were known to be the studious types. Does that mean, she was into the same gender?? Just like Pearl was? But could never say it out aloud because nobody understands. They scrunch their noses or cringe. As if it was a sin. Pearl huffed inwardly. She was pulled out of her daydream when someone cleared her throat.

"Ah! I was on my way home." Violet said after she cleared her throat. "Do you want me to drop you somewhere?" she asked. Only then did Pearl realize that she had been standing there like a fool, lost in her thoughts. The even more foolish part was that she was still holding Violet's hand.

"Oh!" Pearl quickly let go of her hand and stepped back, "Oops! I-I'm s-so sorry!" she stuttered. "And, thanks for the offer. But I have my driver.. he-he is on his way here to pick me up," Pearl smiled awkwardly. She had extravagantly embarrassed herself today. First, she bumped into Violet and she spilled her coffee, then she went to her fantasy land while still holding her hands.

Hence all she wanted to do right now, was to run away. Instead, her heels dug in and stood like the fool that she was. Her cheeks felt like they were burning and if that was not enough she had a buttery stomach and tingles in her core. Pearl was aware she had to say something... anything to dissipate this awfully-awkward moment. Right then, a thought stuck in her already muddled brain.

"Um!!" Pearl started to say, "Don't mind me asking, but it's just an observation." she asked. Violet looked at her confused, as to what was Pearl about to ask. "Do you feel pressured by all the attention? I mean, I observed that those boys... kind of, hover around you and you haven't made any friends yet. Does anybody treat you badly?" Pearl continued.

Pearl did not tell her that, she had noticed that Violet had been friendly with Jae. Of course, her dear friend was the studious type, but.. if only a tiny possibility, Pearl wanted to check if she was the reason Violet was getting closer to Jae. She earnestly hoped that would be the case.

"Oh, No. Not at all." Violet chuckled, "I just can't take all the attention, it--- it's too much to handle. So, I prefer to simply concentrate on my studies." she sighed and slumped her shoulders. Pearl smiled because she was well aware of what all unwanted attention does to a person.

Violet continued to tell her, "Mrs. Marie kept praising you and told me to get help from either you or Jae, as and when I find it difficult to catch up with everything." Once again she let out a sweet chuckle. "And Catherine.. she was the first person I had met, after I joined this school. She does not judge me, and neither do her friends. So, I get along with them pretty well."

Pearl nodded. No doubt she was disappointed with the answer, yet she could not be more thankful to Mrs. Marie for praising her and her friend Jae, for being the book-keeper. Because of her, Pearl could occasionally see Violet up close and personal. Wait! That may not necessarily be the only reason she could see Violet. They can be friends too.

"Okay, then!" Pearl gave a broad smile, "If you really need help.. anything at all, do let me know. Also.. you can join us for lunch sometimes or study sessions too. I'm sure Jae would like that too, and I don't think Jade or Jayden would mind either." she assured Violet.

"Sure!" Violet smiled back. "Can Catherine and others join too?" She asked. Pearl chuckled, "I don't see why not. The more, the merrier." Violet clapped her hands, "Great!" And Pearl mentally whooped at that. "I'll see you then." Pearl smiled, and Violet nodded with confirmation.

As soon as Violet left, Pearl too hopped in her car and they drove towards her home. To her relief, her mother was not at home and so she did not notice that Pearl was nearly twenty minutes late. Pearl sprinted towards her room and quickly got into the bathroom to take her shower. Out of everything that happened today, Pearl was happy to add Violet to her friend list. It was a good start, and hopefully it turns out to be the best thing for her future.

All's well that ends well!!