WebNovelThe rage44.44%

The first destination

Dóro began to nitrate his story as the people sat around him to listen,"I have been walking on dry land for days. I ate almost all the food my mother had packed for me,for I did not know the intensity of my journey. Realizing I was not seeing any form of vegetation or a body of water,I scheduled how I ate the remaining food I had. I would eat a piece of bread I divided into 10 pieces with a piece of meat I divided into about twenty pieces in order to meat the quantity of bread I had,once at noon and drank water. I had been living like this for weeks until I spotted a land from distance.

This land was green,full of green grass and huge trees. The waters were as blue as the sky and the flowed from the top of very tall mountains. The land was full of different trees the bore different fruits. This land was full of countless flowers of different colors and different sizes and shapes. The grass smelled good and was soft to touch, the water tasted good and was clean as the soul of a new born.

The land was possessed by the beasts of the land,the big and small, the grass eaters and the flesh eaters. It's sky, possessed by the birds of the sky. I decided to settle down for a few days. On the first day, I made camp and gathered fruits I picked from the trees around me. It was lonely that night. I used my rage to make a circular fence of fire around me as I sleep, intending to protect myself for the beasts of the land as I slept. It took me hours to fall asleep. I lied there staring at the stars, thinking of my mother and wondering if I had made a mistake embarking on this journey. A few minutes after I closed my eyes to sleep, I felt the sun's ray on my face. I opened my eyes and it was daylight. I woke up and went to the river to wash myself. I went fishing using my father's dagger. I used my rage to heat up some stones I had father together to prepare the fish for my consumption. That day,I had fish for breakfast and feed on the foods of the land.

I slowly began to adapt the ways of the wild. In the jungle,then strong ruled and the weak lived in fear. I carved spear out of tree and knifes out of rocks. I purposed myself to protect the beasts of the land, both big and small but I dare not interfere with the natural arrangement, for the small creatures served as food for the big and powerful once.

My first two weeks was hard for me. For out of curiosity I fed on what was not to be eaten. I spent my days studying the life's of all the animals,both big and small. I would run with the deers,fly with the birds and swam with the creatures of the ocean. I made for myself a friend out of a monkey. Monkeys were smart creatures and would sometimes try to imitate the ways of men. I named him calm, because he would become Calm anytime I feed him.

Everywhere I went, Calm followed. He was my handyman, my assistant,literally my everything. I woke up one morning and found him lying dead under the tree he lived in. T burned his body and poured his aches into the river that flowed from the mountains.

I have been living in the jungle for months and everything started to become boring. I woke up everyday doing the same thing over and over. I would usually spend my day carving small statues of of dead logs and I mastered the act of ink making.

Men had discovered this land and took for it was they want,causing destruction to the trees and the life of the different creatures. They killed these creatures not for food but for gain. The skin of great creatures like the lions and tigers were worn as coat by powerful men, indicating their power and wealth. I was in total confusion as the ways of the outside world marveled me.

I held back form interfering in the doings of men but I could not sit there and watch what I made a home being destroyed by the actions of greedy men. I hade to put fear in men without being noticed I covered my skin with the covering of one of the beast they killed. It was that of a lion. I noticed they came In a lot on special days.

I hid myself in deep forest and waited for the arrival of men. My rage burned in my hands and in my eyes. When they entered, they went separate path in order to increase their chances of a successful hunt. I covered the sky with my rage,making it look red and bloody. Then I spoke in a loud voice in the language of the gods altering curses. But that was not enough.

I appeared to them covered in the skin of the lion with my eyes and hands burning red. The others drew back but one of them gathered courage to attack me. He tree at me a weapon I have not seen before. It's body was made from tree and it's sharpened head made from minerals of the land. I caught the weapon and left them standing in shock as it burned in my hands. I walked towards the man the tree the weapon,grabbed him by the neck and lifted him off the ground. I looked into his eyes and saw fear. I burned him to aches sending a message to the others. They ran in fear to their various cities to inform the people. They told the people the forest was processed by a dark entity. The rulers of their lands doubted what they said and ordered their men to go see for themselves. I scared them off also.

I stayed and purposed myself to be a guardian for the forest. I waited for the return of men but none showed up. Two years has passed by and a purpose of protecting The forest has been fulfilled for the humans never returned. So I decided to move on to find more reasons to live for.