Last day of school

"You're late and on your exams day", Mr Kent,Jack teacher said to him. "I'm sorry sir,there was traffic ",Jack replied. He was asked to take his seat and the exams commenced. It's been almost two hours and the exams was over. Students went out of the hall jubilating because they were finally done with high school. All the final year students were called to the assembly hall for a quick announcement. The students were told that forms for various universities and colleges were available in the library. Students went to the library to pick up and fill forms for their various universities and colleges. Jack went to his locker to back his belongings for he had no plan for college. His plan was to join the military after high school. As he was packing his things ,Meklit, a girl from his class who was also his friend walked passed him saying,"Hey Jack,I'm going home now,bye". "Ok Meklit,I'll see you around", Jack replied. Also,a boy named Langford passed by ,he loses Meklit but was kind of shy to tell her. "Meklit ", Langford shouted her name to stop her. She stoped and waited to hear what Langford had to say. He wanted to ask her if they could hangout sometimes but couldn't do instead,he said goodbye to her. Still parking his things,Mr.Kent walked by and asked him,"Jack,have you picked up any of The colleges form?" Jack replied,"No sir,I don't have any plan for college. I'm planning of joining the military". "Than great kid. You know you can even go to college after serving a few years in the military. For all you do kid,just do what's right and stay safe. See you around". "Ok sir,goodbye",Jack replied. After packing his things,Jack put his bag on his back and put his headphone on. He put on some music and rode his bicycle home.

Jack stayed alone. His dad died when he was seven and his mom and little sister died about two years ago in a car crash. After the death the mother and sister,he used all of his college savings to pay extra three years for the rent age of the house he stayed in. He took a job at a store in the neighborhood so that he could be able to feed himself and buy things he wanted to. His life was lonely and the death of his family made him tough. Jack went home ,took his bath,ate some food and went to work. The stored by an old man called Mr Jeremy. He worked as a sales boy. Jack got to work and took his regular position behind the counter. Mr Jeremy walked in from the store room to meet Jack. "Welcome kid",he welcomed Jack. He told Jack he was just in time and that some goods had come in so he was needed in the store room to help pack the boxes. On his way to the store room,Jack noticed a man walk in and realized the guy had a gun on him. The man did not see him as he went into the store room. After a few minutes,Jack heard some sounds from outside and realized the store was being robbed. He walked out of the store room slowly and quietly soo that he was not noticed. He came out to see this man he saw walk in with a gun on him,stand in front of the counter,pointing a gun at Mr.Jeremy as he packed all of the money. Jack took a his knife from his pocked and walked towards the man slowly and quietly from the back. Jack stabbed the man from the back and pulled him to the ground. He managed to seize the gun and pointed it at the man. Mr. Jeremy called the police. Jack held the man under gun point till the police arrived. The police arrived and the man was arrested. They asked Jack and Mr. Jeremy some questions and the guy was taken away. After about an hour,everything was taken care of and Jack went back to his normal duties.

It was evening time and they were closing up the store. Mr. Jeremy said to Jack,"Hey kid,what you did today was impressive. For a minute I thought I had lost everything. Thank you soo much kid". Jack smiled and replied,"It was nothing sir,I was just trying to be helpful. After locking up and jack was about to go home,Mr. Jeremy said to the boy,"Jack,you're like a son I never had. I heard you're done with high school and congrats for that. Just want you to know that if you have any plans for collage I'll be here to support you with everything I've got". "Thank you soo much sir but I'm not really planning of going to collage,my plan is to join the military and maybe later in the future I might go to college ",Jack replied. Mr. Jeremy smiles at Jack and supported his idea.

Jack went home to his lonely house. When he got home,did his workout,he took his shower and something to eat then began to watch television . It was almost midnight when he went to his room to sleep. He would normally read a book before he slept but that day,he felt like doing nothing for he missed his family that night. He has completed high school and there is no one to celebrate with. He went back to the living room to watch television. He was watching the television till his fell off and slept. He had a dream about the accident of his mother and younger sister. He was in the car that night but he survived. As soon as the mother's car was about to be hid by the truck in the dream,he woke up. He went to the kitchen to find something to eat. Went to his medicine cabinet and took some sleeping pills to help him sleep.