Surviving the desert:day 4(the death of Vanessa)

Vanessa had a cut from earlier on whey the water washed her away. She was rubbed against the sharp edges and had a small but deep cut. The others didn't realize it and she hid it from them. They have been walking for hours and she began to feel week but didn't wanted the rest of her crew to know so she found an excuse to get them to stop. "Let's make camp here please,I'm tired",she Vanessa said to the rest of them. They didn't listen to her and kept walking then she stood at the back and shouted,"I almost died. I'm tired you know. I know know of us signed up for this but please. They're not coming back,can we just rest", Vanessa pleaded with the crew. They were still not convinced but jack was and out of the love he had for her,he managed to convince them. They made camp and waited for the night. Jack did not keep watch this time. Vanessa was cold and asked Jack to sleep close to her to keep her warm. This broke Jeff heart because he also felt something for Vanessa. That night,Jeff and Langford kept watch. As usual,they woke up at 4am and continued their journey.

Vanessa didn't look good but it was still dark and no one noticed. When the sun came out, Jack realized her look and became worried. They walked slow as the men moved with speed. Jack slowed down to catch up with her at the back. "Are you fine? You don't look too good",Jack asked."I'm fine Jack,thanks for asking. If just tired that's al", Vanessa replied. She then asked Jack for water and drank it. Realizing Jack was increasing his past and leaving her behind,she called Jack back to start a conversation with him. Jeff noticed both of them and field angry and sad which slowly developed into hate. "I lived with both my parents until two years ago when they separated. My dad probably trained you at boot camp. I joined the military to make him proud. Haven't heated from my mom ever since and I kinda miss her. I'll miss you too Jack,I mean you'll miss me Jack. I'm crazy. Sometimes I can say crazy things. I remember one time I told my dad I'm and sick and when he asked me what was wrong with me I told him I was sick of starting at my wall",Vanessa said to Jack with a beautiful smile on her face. Jack laughed then replied,"You're crazy.

They continued with the conversation as they walked. After two hours of walking,Vanessa fell to the ground. Jack rushed to see what was wrong with her and realized the blood on her hands. "What happened to you?" Jack asked in fear. "I'm sorry jack,but I guess it's over for me. I can't go on,"Vanessa replied. Jeff and Langford came back to find out what was going on and saw Vanessa lying on the ground. "She's not gonna make it. She has lost a lot of blood already ",Jeff said to Jack. Jack refused to agree that Vanessa was going to die. Vanessa pulled her pistol out then called Jack closer. Jack walked closer to her then she gave it to Jack as it faced her. "It's on Jack,I'm going to die anyway. Do you love me?" She asked Jack. "Yes I do. I love me a lot ",Jack replied. She held Jack hands on the gun then pulled the gun closer to her chest. Jack pulled it away fro her then shouted,"No! No! No! I can't do this. You're not going to die. We're all going home. It can't end this way. Please tell me it can't end this way",Jack asked her as tears ran down his face. "It's ok Jack",Vanessa replied. Jack couldn't do it,he couldn't kill her. He dropped the gun and said he was not doing it. Vanessa removed her dog tags the handed it over to Jack saying ,"Give this to my dad if you make it to base safe. And please ask him if I became the daughter he wanted me to be. My dad is Sargent Lucas Jackson. I guess I'll see you around Jack. Jack dropped the gun. He couldn't watch her die,more over be the one to kill her. Vanessa lies on the ground in pain smiling as she looked at Jack. Jack stood on top of her as tears ran down her face. 'Bang', Jack heard the sound of a gunshot. He turned to see where it came from and saw Jeff hands pointing at Vanessa. Jeff killed Vanessa because that was what he had to do and also because of the hate he developed for her. "What did you do?" Jack shouted as he held the lifeless body of Vanessa in his hands. "I had to. We both know that was the only thing we could do. There is no other way Jack. Let's go",Jeff replied. Jack suggested they did a small funeral and bury the body and mark the land Incase someone comes searching for her. But Jeff disagreed saying,"How stupid can you be soldier. We don't have time for nonsense. She's dead and gone,let's move on". "Don't talk to me like that ever again ",Jack replied. Jeff walked up to Jack,looked him in his face then asked," And what are you going to do about that. Jack became soo angry and punched him him the face,he went back a little. Jack pushed up to the ground and climbed on top of him,intending to beat him up. He was about to strike Jeff then Langford shot into the air and shouted,"STOP! Did you ever asked how I feel about this,she was not just one person loss but all of us. And if you don't stop now,I swear one of you will be next". Jack felt bad and stopped. He walked up to Langford and apologized. He also apologized to Jeff. They settled down then den continued their journey. Jack stayed a few minutes behind to bury Vanessa. After few hours of walking,the night came and they made camp.