Major loss

"You're back earlier than I expected,what happened back there son?", Mr. Jeremy asked jack. Jack lifted the dog tags of Langford and showed it to Mr. Jeremy saying,"This belongs to my best friend Langford. The whole operation was a setup. We were sent to die. Our choppers were shot out of the sky and to be honest,I don't know how I'm still alive". Jack then told Mr. Jeremy he was heading out to Langford's father's house ,he stayed a few blocks away. Langford's father was just about to leave for work when Jack reached the house and approached him. "Hello sir,I'm Jack, a friend of Langford", Jack said to him. And how can I help you", Langford's father replied. Jack told him it was better to take it inside. Langford's father agreed and they went into his house. He told Jack not to waste his time because he was running late for work. Jack decided to start with a question. "Sir please,when last did you hear from Langford?" Jack asked. "About a month ago. He joined the marines even tho I told him not to. About a month ago,he told me they were going for an operation in Iraq and I haven't heard from him since",Langford's father replied. Jack saw how much the man was concerned and was finding it hard to tell him the truth. Jack pulled Langford's notebook and dog tags from and jacket and gave it to his dad saying,"Langford said I should give this to you. He said you should forgive him for not listening. I'm sorry sir. He was not a bad person,he was lost. I'm soo sorry". Langford's father burst up in tears. Jack could not stand the sad scene so he decided to take his leave, leaving Langford's father crying. Jack had one more person to inform about Langford's death and that was Meklit. He had her number so he called her to know weather she was home"Hi Meklit,this is jack and I have something to tell you,are you home?" Jack asked her. "Yes I'm home,I just got home from school", Meklit replied. Jack then left for Meklit house. He reached her house and met her still parking her things,she had just arrived from school as she said. He walked up to her then asked,"Fo you remember Langford from school?" With an excited look on her face,she replied,"Yes,yes I do". Jack pulled the letter Langford gave to him and handed it over to her say,"He wanted you to have this letter". "But why didn't he come give it to me himself ?" Meklit asked. "He's dead Meklit,he's dead", Jack replied. Meklit burst up in tears and ran into Jack's hand. Jack had to hug her to comfort her then walked her into her house. Jack was very sad to. Langford was his best friend. After a few minutes of keeping Meklit company,Jack took his leave and went home,the house he stayed in with his family. He got home,took a shower and went to sleep. Jack woke up in the evening and went to the gym.

Major general Ben had a plan to get rid of jack but was scared to kill him because he thought jack told people close to him what he knew and if he killed Jack,those people will know he was the one that killed Jack. His plan to get rid of jack was that of a wicked one. He was finally going to take away from Jack everything and everything that meant something to him. Knowing that others were shocked that jack survived,he decided to frame Jack. He had him men break into Jack house and hid a drive container top information about their operations. He poisoned Commander Jackson and hid the bottle in Jack's locker then went on to kill Mr. Jeremy and had Jack's DNA at the seen and his prints on the gun that was used to kill Mr. Jeremy so that he could be a suspect. All this was done in just one day. Major general Ben could not risk Jack being around. Jack was in his house when he heated a knock on his door. He opened it and it was military police. "You're under arrest. Anything you say or do will go against you in the court of law",One of the officers said to Jack. Jack was confused but did not hesitate to do as they said and followed then tho the station for questioning. At that time,Jack was not even aware about the death of Me. Jeremy and commander Jackson. Jack was sent into the interrogation room and his lawyer was sent to speak to him. The lawyer was also under the influence of Major general Ben. "Hey, I guess you're Jack,you can call me Walter", the lawyer said to Jack. He took a seat then called Major general Ben and told him Jack was around. He put the phone on speaker as Major general Ben spoke to Jack,"I know you're confused. I hate to break it to you but Commander Jackson and your precious Mr. Jeremy is dead and you're going to be punished for their death". After hearing this,tears ran down Jack's face and he replied in and anger yet sad manner,"I swear you'll pay for this. I hate you soo much". Major general began to laugh on in phone then said to Jack,"You see kid,we live in a world where the strong gerunds on the weak. And strength in this era is money and power. You had a chance to be a free and wealthy man,to live a life but you wanted to do what is right. With power,you are never wrong. You still have a chance kid,give up now and end all this shit or bad things kept on coming you way". "I believe in what is right", Jack replied and said nothing else. Major general became angry then said to Jack,"Stupid kid but don't worry,I'll have my boys make your jail terms short,very short", then he cut the call.