Meeting Lilian

Jack reached the city by night. He stoped by a fast food joint and bought himself something to eat. He then drove to the community he stayed in. From a distance,Jack noticed someone else had moved into the house. His plan was to break into the house. His dad has a secret attic in the roof of the house where he stored his weapons and military gears. He waited until midnight when everyone was asleep,packed the car a few blocks away and walked to the house. Jumping the fence was an easy task. He broke in from the window. The door to the attic was right in front of Lilian's room's door. Lilian was the welder daughter of the family that stayed in the house. The house was processed by a family of four, the Petersons, Lilian Peterson,her parents,and her little brother Charles Peterson. Jack stood in front of the door,looked up and realized the attic was far from his reach. He looked around and found a stool in the living room. He stood on it so that he could reach the attic. A lamp holder was attached to the door of the attic to mark its location and the key was placed in the space on top of the lamp holder. The lamp holder covered the key hole but one of the screws were not placed in tight. Jack removed the lose screw and shifted the lamp holder to expose the keyhole. He took the key from on top of the lamp holder then opened the attic and left it opened and went to return the stool from where he took it from. He then came back to enter the attic. Lilian heard some noise and woke up. She then saw the lights moved as Jack entered and closed the door of the attic. She came out to she what was going on but was late and saw nothing. She thought she was hallucinating and went back to bed.

The next morning,Jack took off the prison uniform and wore some of his fathers clothes. He waited till it was noon,thinking everybody was out of the house so that he could get out of the attic. Mr and Mrs. Peterson went to work and Charles went to school but Lilian stayed home because she was not too well. Mr. Peterson was a doctor and his wife was a police officer. Jack got out of the attic and went to the kitchen to get food. Lilian was in her room using her phone and at that same moment,she also decided to go get food. After making a bowl of cereal and was done eating,he decided to go back to the attic. When he got to Lilian's door,she got out. She saw Jack and wanted to scream. Jack immediately pushed her to the wall and covered her mouth with his palm. "Please don't shout,I can explain. Promise me if I remove my hand you will calm down ", Jack said to Lilian. She nodded her head to say yes. Jack released her then apologized to her saying,"I'm soo sorry,are you hurt?" Lilian looked at Jack and was scared by his tall and muscular figure then replied,"I'm not hurt but how did you get into my house and what do you want please?" Jack sat on the floor and lean against the wall,Lilian sad next to him. "I used to live in this house. I mean I know there is secret room in the attic of this house which you don't know about so it's a clear fact that I lived here before. I stayed here with my family. My dad died when I was a kid and I grew up with my mom and my little sister. About three years ago,my mom and sister died in a car crash and I lived here alone till I decided to go join the marine. I guess that was the worse mistake of my life. On our first operation,things went wrong It's a long story but all I can say is that I lost everyone close to me and now the government wants me dead",Jack said to Lilian as he sat close to her. "I'm soo sorry to hear that. I'm sorry for how I reacted", Lilian replied,apologizing to jack. "It's ok, you did it out of fear",Jack said to her. Jack got up from the ground then ask her,"Do you want to tour the attic?" "Oh yes", Lilian replied. Jack lifted her to reached the lamp holder then instructed her to open the door and pull the ladder down. The climbed the ladder and into the attic. Lilian was amazed on seeing inside the attic but also scared upon seeing all the weapons and war gears inside. "Is this some kind of a weapon room or something?",Lilian asked. Jack laughed then replied," You can call it that but it's a panic room. My dad was a delta force so he was very over protective". They both sat on the floor and began to have a conversation to get to know each other better. They got to know each other names,ages and a lot more. They became friends from that moment.

After hours of talking,Jack started to feel hunger. "Lilian,I'm kinda hungry. I haven't had a decent meal in days",Jack said to Lilian. "Oh, that's sad to hear,let's go to the kitchen,I'll make you something good to eat", Lilian replied. They both went to the kitchen and Lilian made Jack something to eat. Jack ate the food like his life depended on it. After eating,he asked Lilian if he could use the shower and she agreed. Jack took a bath then went to the attic to pub on some clothes. He came back down and went to Lilian m's room to continue his conversation. It was almost 4am when Lilian told jack her parent would be home soon and he had to go back to the attic. Jack went to the kitchen and filled a bottle with water and returned to the attic.