Who is Jack

As at that time, Major general Ben has heated about the murder of the judge and knew for sure Jack was alive. He had his bed every where looking for answers. He had eyes and ears everywhere,in the police,on the streets and other places he deemed necessary. Lilian woke up the next morning and texted Jack. It seems Jack was waiting for her text because he gave an immediate reply. Jack apologize again but she told Jack it was ok and he had nothing to worry about. She said she understood that he was angry but what he did was stupid because anyone could have seen him and who knows who's out there looking for him. What she said moved Jack to ask,"So what happened when I left,what did you do?" "I called the police ", Lilian replied. This got Jack scared then he asked ," What did you tell them?" "I told them James was my boyfriend and he tried harassing me then a random stranger showed up and stoped him. I knew it would have been dumb of me to tell them I know you. As much as we are strangers,I know deep down you're a good person Jack. Just stay safe", Lilian replied . This called Jack but Jack remembered James was also at the scene of if he was questioned,he'll definitely say Lilian knew Jack. Jack told Lilian to meet him in the park and she agreed. Lilian go out of the bed and went to school and her mom went to work. Jame was still in the hospital and the police went to the hospital to pick James up and send him to the police station for questioning. James reached the station and was taken for interrogation. "Hey kid,how are you doing?" The officer asked. " I'm doing fine now. I think I can talk now. Jack replied. The officer then asked James to tell him all that happened. "I was trying to talk to my girlfriend and this guy came around. His name was Jack,it seems like Lilian knew him because she mentioned his name continuously and I I noticed some connection between them. He attacked me and my friends and out of fear I pulled out my gun. He didn't look scared at all. He walked towards me then took the gun from my hand. He slapped me with it then I fell to the ground. He climbed on top of me and started beating me. I honestly thought he was going to kill me",James said to the officer. Upon hearing this,the officer knew Lilian was hiding something but it's so unfortunate that the officer was under the control of Major general Ben.

When Lilian got to school,she skipped class to go talk to Jack. He was sitting on a bench in the park and when Lilian got to the park,she just went to sit beside Jack. "Thanks for yesterday but if they question James,he's going to say you know me. If they ever call you to the station for questioning again,just tell me I'm a random guy that's you bumped into at the grocery store ", Jack said to Lilian. "Ok Jack," Lilian replied then took her leave and went back to school.

When Major general Ben heard about the case and the statement of James, he sent his boys from the FBI over to take over the case. At that time, Mrs Peterson and her partner had gotten the information they needed from the court database. "Jack Williams,he was nineteen years old when he was sentenced to life imprisonment at maximum security prison for murder and treason. But he was reported missing the same day of his sentence and have not been seen since then so the police concluded that he was dead. And from this this picture,he looks very young and match all the descriptions we've gotten so far", Mrs Peterson said to her partner as she read through the file. "He sure is. I can remember when that kid was interrogated. Hmm James, your daughters boyfriend, he said that Lilian knew Jack and she repeatedly mentioned his name and he could see the connection between them", her partner replied. Mrs Peterson became worried about her daughter. She remembered that when Lilian was interrogated,she claimed she didn't know Jack and if this is the case,she's protecting jack for some reason. Whiles they were still discussing Jack. Some officers from FBI came in and walked into the police commander office," FBI,we're here to take over the case of Jack Williams. The police commander agreed and whiles Mrs Peterson and her partner were discussing the case, he walked in on them to give them the news," I'm sorry to tell you this but you're off the case,the case has been handed over to the FBI. I'm sorry but I'm not in charge now". "Ok sir", the officers replied then started to pack their things and went back to normal duties. Lilian was in school when the FBI went to speak with her. They reached the school and went straight to Lilian's classroom. "FBI, we're here to speak with miss Lilian Peterson ", they said to Lilian's teacher as they showed him their badges. The teacher permitted Lilian to step out of the class room and talk to them. Lilian was scared because she knew James told them that she knew Jack. "Miss Lilian, we don't want to make this a police station matter. Just tell us what we want you to and don't try lying because we know when people lie. Ok then,who is Jack and how did you know him?" One of the officers asked Lilian. She knew if she panicked,they'll know she's lying so she calmed her self down than answered them,"It's true that I know Jack but like I said,he's just a random guy. I meet him at a grocery store once. I was parking my things in a grocery bag when it fell and poured and he helped me pick it up and that's how I knew him. We became friends and we exchanged contact. How I'm I to know he's a weirdo and follows me around". They couldn't tell if Lilian was lying so they decided to threaten her so that she panics and tell them everything,"Listen kid,Jack is a deadly person and a national treat,if we find out you're hiding him,you be in a lot of trouble". "Yes sir, and how I'm I even going to hide a guy that big in my pocked. For real,I don't know him like that", Lilian replied.