Chapter 52

Seeley's POV

I looked at my watch and noticed that it was almost eight o'clock. The sun was already setting in the ocean. I had had an uneasy feeling ever since the conversation with Collin and finding out about some alleged fight. Yes I was planning on attacking the werewolves in America if I did not get my daughter back, but I had her so nothing was going to happen. Is that what he was talking about?

"Koda. Office now." I said threw the mind link as calmly as I could. It wasn't five minutes later, there was a knock on my door and I ordered them in.

"You called for me sir?" Koda asked.

"Yes Koda. I got a job for you." I motioned him in to have a seat.

Koda shut the door behind him and then walked up to the chairs by my desk and sat down. He had a profoundly serious look on his face. I could tell Alida's threat earlier had to be a hit to his pride if not his big ass ego.

Once Koda was seated, I let out a sigh and went on with the job I wanted him to do. I needed information and he was the best one to get it with the help of one of the witches and a cloaking spell. I left it up to him which witch he would work with. If I knew anything about Koda is that he took his job and loyalty to me so seriously that most people couldn't even pretend to tolerate him.

When I had finished explaining the details of the assignment to Koda, I dismissed him to get started. I told him I wanted answers by sunrise. That gave him less than 12 hours at this point to get to the bottom of this. After he left my office I decided to go for run on the beach. My lycan had been itching to let lose all day. I called up Sadie to go with me for a cloaking spell.

I was about halfway through my run when Sadie stopped me and put her index finger to her lips signaling me to be quiet as her eyes floated around the beach and the woods. After a few minutes, she leaned in closer and whispered in my ear.

"There's magic out here other than my own. I can sense it." She said which caused me to whip my head towards her with a look of confusion.

"I don't see anything or hear anything for that matter." I shrugged looking all around.

"Just like they cannot see or hear us." I whispered but raised eyebrows.

I caught on to her hint and just mouthed "oh" as realization hit me. There was somebody out here but we didn't know who or what.

"What do we do?" I asked.

"We can keep going, head back, or hide and wait them out." She counted them off on her fingers as she went.

"I need to know who's in my territory, especially if magic is involved. So, I guess it's option 3." I said and she nodded her head.

I pointed to a spot just above the cave entrance that was heavily covered with trees and brush. It was perfect for laying low and Sadie wouldn't tire from having to keep the spell up.

After what felt like forever and 300 years, we heard some noise coming from the wood line. It didn't take long before we saw 2 silhouettes emerge onto the beach jogging towards the cave. As they got closer, I blinked a few times to adjust my eyes before they went wide with shock. Jax and my Alida!?

What were they doing out here and why were they cloaked? Who was cloaking them?! I know I asked Jax to run the borders tonight and talk to the patrols, and he had asked to take her along with him, but they should've been done and back in their rooms by now. Still why were they cloaked. My stomach was twisting in knots. Something wasn't right.

"Koda, update?" I called threw the mind link.

"Sir, I'm heading back with a prisoner." Koda linked back seconds later.

"I will meet you in the cells." I said before cutting the link and telling Sadie to put the spell back up.

Once we were in the dungeon, I told Sadie to get me some truth serum and to bring it back down here. I knew this place grossed her out so I told the guard to bring it to me when she returned so she wouldn't have to venture further in this place than she had to.

"What do we have here Koda?" I asked as I walked in on him hitting a guy chained to the wall by silver shackles.

"Sir." Koda bowed, "This here is one of the maid's boyfriends that was assigned to Alida." Koda gestured with his thumb over his shoulder towards the kid.

"And why is he down here?" I asked putting my hands behind by back.

"He knows something. When I asked him about people disappearing, he smirked at me and told me to go to hell before spitting in my face." Koda said angrily.

"I know if a big brut like yourself asked me that, and I was innocent, I would be saying 'I don't know' at the very least." I said with my curiosity now being piqued.

"Exactly what I thought sir. When I pressed for more information, he started fighting." Koda chuckled.

Just then I heard footsteps coming down the corridor. I turned around and the guard had come with a small vile. He passed it to me and said it was from Sadie. I knew exactly what it was and smirked while looking back at the boy.

"Time to find out the truth, shall we." I said taking the cork out and walking up to him.

He tried to struggle but Koda got him to open his mouth by plugging his nose and held it till he swallowed the potion.

"Now, let's try this again." I said.

Between Koda and I we started asking the same questions again, only this time, he had no choice but to give us the truth. He told us everything and how Alida had been planning this attack since the day she got here. He knew that she had help but he didn't know who.

"When do they plan on attacking?!" Koda growled.

"I don't know. I really don't. I was just trying to get out of here safely to get back with my girlfriend!" He cried.

"Koda, a minute please?" I signaled Koda to the other side of the cell and spoke softly. "The woods along the beach. I was out for a run when Sadie sensed magic. Sometime later, Jax and Alida came out of the wood line. I didn't think anything of it then, but now I'm curious. Wash up and then go get her and take her to my study. I don't care if you have to yank her ass out of bed. I will not be made a fool of! Especially by my own flesh and blood!"

Koda just nodded and took off without saying a word. I turned to the guard and told him to kill the boy and then to get rid of his body before heading back to my room to wash up myself before confronting my daughter.

Cheyenne's POV

I was back home at a family cookout. The sun was shining and not a cloud in the sky. Temperature was just perfect with just a slight random breeze, just enough to make the wildflowers in the distance dance amongst themselves. The smell of the hog roast over the firepit filling the air. Kids were running around carefree playing with each other. Everything was simply perfect!

Next thing I knew I was ripped from my paradise but someone grabbing my ankle and yanking me out of bed. Koa and I both immediately woke up in defense mode and started fighting back. When I broke free and put some distance between myself and the attacker, I realized it was Koda.

"What in the actual fuck do you think you're doing?" I shouted.

"Following orders!" He snapped back with a slight warning growl.

"Did he just growl at us?" Koa popped up in my head.

"I think so." I smirked knowing very damn well what she was about to do. I felt Koa coming forward but not enough to force the shift. "Boy, you just fucked up. Life lesson 867, never NEVER wake a sleeping female darling."

I felt a smirk forming on my lips before Koa let out a growl with such authority that had Koda covering his ears and fighting the royal command. After about a minute, he finally knelt on one knee and bared his neck in submission. I could see the anger in his eye building increasingly each second.

"Koa don't let up. I have a plan." I smirked. Koa, reading my thoughts, started laughing.

"Now you're going to be a good little boy and tell me what these so-called orders are that you are allegedly following." I took a couple steps towards him.

"The King…wants me…to take you…to his office." He was still trying to fight the command which just caused me to laugh.

"Oh, really now? Ok let's go." I walked up to him with Koa still holding the command and grabbed his ear and started dragging him along like a little child. Between our height difference it was quite comical so I made sure to drag him through every corridor where he would be seen by night patrol.

Once we reached Seeley's office, I kicked open the door and continued to drag Koda in with me. Seeley was standing with his back towards me looking out some floor to ceiling windows with his hands behind his back.

"You mind explaining to me why the fuck this child is waking me up in the middle of the fuckin' night?!" I hollered.

At this, Seeley turned around to see his guard pretty much bent in half with me still holding onto his ear. Good thing he had elephant ears and not mice ears, just made it easier to hold onto. I saw some emotion flash across his face for a split second but couldn't tell if it was more shock or amusement.

"He was following my orders Alida. Now release him." Seeley said composing himself.

"Oh, I will. Just one more thing." I turned my body to face Koda and while still holding onto one ear, I quickly grabbed his head with my other hand and brought his face down and my knee up.

Koa had lost it, just rolling around in my head laughing so hard. There was a sickening crunch saying that I broke his nose. Blood was pouring from his nose when he stumbled backwards holding his face. He was about to say something but Seeley told him to leave before he could.

Once the door was closed, I whipped around and glared daggers at Seeley. I didn't have time for this shit, I need my rest for the fight. I stood there with my arms crossed just staring at him.

"I have been told that you are planning a fight against me." He said rather nonchalantly but looking at me for any signs of lies.

Instead of finding lies, I just busted up laughing. I ended up falling on the couch from laughing so hard. When I could finally catch my breath, I looked back at Seeley who didn't look to please with my response.

"I don't see what's so funny." He stated, his anger rising.

"I'm sorry, it's just that you had that oversize mole rat drag me outta bed, interrupting the most peaceful dream I've had since I got here might I add, because you've been told that I'm planning to attack you?" I started laughing again. "You would only have me woken up if you saw me as some kind of threat, so I guess the real question is," I stood up and started slowing walking towards him until I was at the front of his desk. I put both hands down on it as I leaned forwards towards him and looked him straight in the eye and as serious as I could be asked, "Are you scared?"

He tried to hide it but I saw the flash of worry cross his eyes. He cleared his throat and then turned back around to continue looking out his windows.

"No. I am not scared. Especially of some little girl. I don't know what I was thinking. You have no combat experience, besides that on the training field. You could never organize something on such a grand scale, and only a fool would think they could defeat me. So that leads me to my next question." He said while turning back around slowly.

I stood back up straight and crossed my arms again and rolled my eyes, "Whatever just get on with this so I can get back to bed already. I do have training in the morning ya know!" I snapped.

"What were you and Jax doing in the woods tonight?" He asked.

"We were running the borders and talking to the patrols about the missing persons that have vanished, like you asked us to or did you forget?" I said more questionably than a statement.

"No, I remember giving Jax that order and giving him the ok to take you along, but my issue resides with the fact that you guys worked with a witch and used a cloaking spell. Why?" He pressed still looking at me for any signs of a lie.

"Holy sweet mother of baby fuckin' Zeus! Seriously? Is that what this is all about?! Are you jealous that one of YOUR witches would work with us or something?! It was actually my idea. As you know some of your guards do not care for me. So, I thought that instead of letting them see me coming I would *poof* appear outta nowhere and then question them. That way they didn't have time to run or give me the silent treatment." I snapped back.

Seeley stood there staring me down for a few moments before finally nodding his head. I didn't even wait for another question to come out of his mouth before I turned around and starting walking towards the door.

"And no, they know nothing of people leaving or randomly disappearing in your kingdom your highness. Now, I'm taking my skinny little ass back to bed and so help me, if one more person wakes me up again, then you will have a fight on your hands." I hollered back at him just before slamming what was left of the door to his office.

I waited until I was in the clear before mind linking Jax. "Jax. JAX! WAKE UP!" I started shouting threw the link. Nobody knew that we could mind link and we wanted to keep it that way. After a few more attempts I finally heard his voice in my head.

"Alida. What's wrong?" He asked still groggy.

"Koda came and ripped me outta bed on Seeley's orders. He just questioned me as to why we had used a witch for a cloaking spell to talk to the border patrols." I said.

"What!? What did you tell him." Jax was very much awake now.

"Meet me at the training grounds. I will explain. We are bumping up the timeline. We fight at dawn." I said as serious as can be.

"Be there in a few." Jax responded before cutting the link off.

"Koa make the connection with Gunner!" I said and I picked up my pace towards the training grounds.

"Sweetie, he's here, you can just mind link him now." Koa reminded me.

"Gunner. Wake up!" I waited a few minutes for a response but nothing. Holy fuckernuts why are men dead to the world when they're sleeping!?

"GUNNER! UP NOW!" I shouted.

"I'm up. I'm up. Babe? Is it really you?" I couldn't see it but I knew he fell off his cot which caused a little smirk to form on my face at the thought.

"Yes it's really me. Seeley is onto us. We attack at dawn. Wake everyone up and get ready. I am meeting Jax at the training grounds now. We will see yall in a little bit." I said.

"Are you ok? He didn't touch you did he?" Gunner asked and I could hear the possessiveness coming out in his voice. Mates were very protective and possessive of each other.

Momma always called it the "sibling effect," for lack of better term. You know how you can mess around and hurt your siblings, but if anybody else did it, you'd kill them? Yeah pretty much the same thing only multiplied by 10.

"I'm fine. I didn't give him any information but if he knows that it's coming and with the chance of vamps being involved, we need to get this over with now! Gather the troops." I said before cutting the link off before he could say anything else.

I had just gotten to the training grounds and Jax was already there waiting on me. We decided to pretend like we were training so if anybody was watching us, they wouldn't think anything of it. At least, that's what we were hoping for anyways. I told Jax about the conversation with Seeley and my excuse as to why we were cloaked. Jax nodded his head and said that was a good excuse especially for coming up with it on the fly like that.

"Apparently your mother never barged into your room in the middle of the night asking where one of your siblings were because they were not in their beds." I chuckled.