Chapter 62

Cheyenne's POV

"Holy sweet mother of baby Odin! Where the hell are my boots!?" I was scrambling around trying to get ready for the Alpha meeting in a couple hours. We ended up picking a location that would be easy for everyone to get to, but it was at least an hour's drive out for us. I had already woke up late and rushed in the shower.

I was in such a rush I forgot to take my panties off before getting in. Gunner got a good laugh out of it so I took them off and then whipped them at his head. I hurried with my shower and didn't even bother with blow drying my hair. I just through it up in a wet messy bun. I didn't care what I looked like, I was not trying to impress anyone by no means, and I already made sure that everyone knew that this meeting was casual dress.

"Babe…" Gunner started.

"Not now, I gotta find my boots! What the fuck?! It's not like they just got up and walked away!" I said still scrambling around.

"Babe!" Gunner raised his voice a little more.

"What!?" I shouted as I stopped and looked at him.

"Don't you think you should put pants on first before your boots?" He said trying not to laugh.

I looked down at my bare legs, "FUUUUUUCK!" I groaned and then headed to the dresser. I grabbed the first pair of jeans I saw and of course they were my "church jeans" as momma called them because there were holes everywhere. I didn't have the time to worry about that right now though. I tugged them on, slipped the belt threw the loops and fastened it.

Now, back to finding my boots. Where the hell were they? I swear I left them right next to the desk, but they're not there! I was throwing things across the room while Gunner sat on the couch and watched the circus show.

"Are you just going to sit there or you going to help me?" I snapped.

"Babe, first off you need to calm down. Secondly, your boots are right there." He pointed to the foot of the bed.

"What the fuck? How did…I looked there and under the bed!" I said walking over and grabbing them.

"I watched you walk by them a dozen times." Gunner chuckled coming over to me.

"And you couldn't say anything!?" I snapped looking up at him.

"Call it payback for the underwear thing." He smirked.

I glared at him before sticking my tongue out and putting on my other boot. Once I was done getting ready I looked in the mirror to make sure I had all the clothes required to walk out in public. After making sure I was covered, I headed down to the kitchen for a quick bite to eat.

Kids were playing and running everywhere. Some would run up, give me a hug around my legs and then take off giggling. I still don't know what I did to earn their trust, much less their kind gestures but I wasn't complaining.

In the kitchen, Gunner came up behind me as I was waiting on the toaster to pop up with my waffles. Yes I know, it wasn't the greatest but I didn't have time to make a real waffle. Gunner wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his nose into my neck and inhaled my scent.

"Did you make me one?" He asked.

"No, thought you ate while I was in the shower?" I retorted.

"I did, but I'll never turn down food." He smirked.

"Maybe we are made for each other." I chuckled.

The toaster finally popped and I quickly added butter and syrup and then stuffed my face. I knew we were scheduled to leave at 11:45am but I wanted to leave by 11:30am. I wanted to be the first one there, so the others would know that they were in the right location.

"The car ready?" I asked as I dropped my plate in the sink.

"I got something better for you." Gunner smiled, took my hand, and dragged me out of the kitchen to the front door.

Once we were at the front door he stepped behind me and then covered my eyes with his hands. I groaned because we didn't have time for this. We needed to go! I heard the front door open and then he led me outside. He carefully guided me down the stairs and by the sounds I could tell we were in the gravel lot off the side of the driveway.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Uh yea!" I growled.

Gunner dropped his hands and there was a new truck sitting there. My mouth dropped. It was a beauty! Newer Chevy 2500 Duramax with a lift kit. He had it custom painted with primary color being black, but then shades of green, purple, and blue were thrown in with specks of white to make it look like the galaxy. I walked all the way around it in awe.

"You like it?" He asked finally.

"I think I'm in love." I said still looking around the truck.

"In that case, I'm taking it back." He said.

"NO you're not! Yes I love the truck, but I love you more." I said while wrapping my arms around his neck and placing a kiss on his lips.

"Good answer." He chuckled while holding the keys up. "Ready to go?"

"Hell yeah!" I was so excited, like a little kid on Christmas morning. I grabbed the keys and got in the truck.

Gunner got in the passenger seat still smiling at me. I started it up and it purred like a baby kitten. I giggled like a little kid again.

"Babe, you need to focus otherwise we are taking one of the pack's cars." Gunner said rubbing my thigh.

I just looked at him with a pouty face and said fine. I knew he was right, but couldn't he let me have a minute to soak this in? Then I looked at the clock on the radio, 11:37am.

"Shit is that the right time?" I snapped back to reality while yanking my phone out of my pocket to check.

"Don't worry. We still got plenty of time." Gunner said. I put the truck in drive and took off out of the lot.

I could go on and on about this truck but I know that's not what you guys want to hear about so I'll just jump to the meeting. It does handle very nicely and has that new car smell though. We arrived at the meeting spot in just under an hour.

"Record time. GPS said it was an hour and 7 minutes with traffic." Gunner said hopping out of the truck.

"Eh that's just the time to beat." I said waving my hand and smiling.

We walked into the building expecting someone to be there to show us where to go or something but there was nobody. Not really sure what to do, we just started walking around thinking maybe they put a sign or something on a door for us. After coming to dead end after dead, I was getting frustrated.

"Fuck this. They don't want to show up or at least label which room is ours, then I'm taking the whole building." I said walking back towards the exit.

That's when Gunner grabbed my arm to stop me and then put his finger to his lips telling me to be quiet. I looked at him in confusion.

"Someone's here. Just pulled up." He whispered.

"What do I care? I'm the fuckin Queen remember?" I smirked slyly.

Just then the door to the building opened and a small older guy walked in mumbling to himself. I cleared his throat to get his attention causing him to jump and drop his bag and some papers he was fumbling with.

"Are you the…" He started.

"We are here for the meeting. Nik said he reserved us a room here." I said not wanting to give out to much information.

"Ah yes, Nik. Nice fellow that one. I'm so sorry ma'am. I wasn't expecting you guys just yet." He apologized as he picked up the papers and his bag.

Now I felt bad for scaring him. We were early, so I guess I couldn't blame him completely. I knelt down and help gather up some of the papers and handed them to him with a smile.

"I'm sorry for startling you." I said as we stood up. "If you could just tell us which room is ours, I can do the rest so you can get back to whatever you need to do."

"Much obliged ma'am." He sighed and then pointed down one of the halls. "If you go down that hall there, it's the only door on your right." He smiled.

"Thank you sir. We got it from here." I said.

Gunner and I headed for the room and when we walked in, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was huge! Why did we need such a huge room? It was only to be the alphas and lycan leaders this go around.

"Maybe he's got this room reserved for future meetings as well. Once the betas start coming, then we might need all this room." Gunner said like he was reading my mind.

"Good point." I said still looking around in amazement. "I guess we should start organizing and getting ready?" I asked looking back up at him.

"Alpha Nik has all the paperwork with him, but we can move tables around if you want." Gunner shrugged.

"Oh good, you found it." A familiar voice rang out from behind us causing both of us to turn around.

Alpha Nik and Ben were walking in with a couple of boxes that held the files for each pack.

"Remind me to build an office just for you Cheyenne when we get back. Some of this stuff shouldn't be kept in my office as it's not really any of my business." Alpha Nik said setting the box down on the closest table.

"I'm sorry. Guess I hadn't thought that far ahead." I said.

"No worries. Neither did we until we were loading up." Ben laughed.

"Alpha, I do have one question though." I said walking towards him to grab the box.

"What's that?" He asked.

"Why did you get such a big room?" I gestured around us.

"It's the only room in this building that's soundproof. Each pack is to bring a guard to be stationed outside the door during the meeting also." He pointed over his shoulder.

"Ohhh ok. That makes sense now." I said. "Well let's get this show on the road shall we? Ben and Gunner will you two go stand out front and direct the alphas as they come in?" I asked.

Ben saluted me, "Yes ma'am."

"Nik, you might be burring your son soon." I glared at Ben.

Nik laughed, "So that's what it takes for you to call me Nik and not by my title? Ben keep up the good work! I'll just have to look for a proper replacement for you incase she really does kill you."

We all laughed at the last part except for Ben. He had a look of shock on his face which caused me to laugh harder. Gunner went up, grabbed his shoulders, and walked him out. Once they were gone Nik and I got to work on separating the files before moving tables.

I wanted all the tables in a square so that nobody felt like they were greater than anyone else. Everyone would be treated equally as equally. I didn't bother assigning seats, although Nik said it would make for some comical entertainment as the alphas walked in.

That's when we heard the door open and Alpha Brock walked in. Thank god someone I know showed up first. Technically Nik did but I wasn't counting him in this. He's becoming like family to me now. Alpha Brock greeted us and then gave us an update on my mother and family.

She was doing ok. My dad was still having a hard time trusting her, which I completely understood. That was part of the reason I made her drink the truth potion every day. I was hoping it would put his mind at ease a little bit. My two other sister's had went back to their mates after hearing about Ella and Emma. Ty now has his own place and is living with his human mate. She knows what we are now, and decided it was best to live on pack territory with her father being a wolf hunter and all. Sounded like everything was going good but at the same time everything had changed. I made the mental note of going to visit once I was finished with my sisters' trials.