This is not right!

Xia Yuqing frowned.

She was sure that she heard a voice in her head. It was as if someone was speaking directly inside of her mind.

The voice also sounded familiar. Looking around for the source of the voice, she saw a face that she did not want to see.

"Why are you here?" She spoke with a hint of coldness, without meaning to hide her disgust and contempt for Yun Ditian.

No matter how handsome and how romantic he is, she knows Yun Ditians true nature.

A certified playboy who wooes girls with his words and status and leaves them after he gets what he wants. His deeds have already spread throughout the upper class circle of East Sea City within 3 months of his arrival here from the capital city.

[Gee, you think I want to be here? Even if you are the most beautiful girl I have seen so far, it doesn't mean that I am willing to be a licking dog.]


Again, the same voice sounded in her ear. She was now sure that this voice belonged to Yun Ditian.

But she was looking at him all the time and had not seen his mouth open. And from her previous experience he dare not speak to her like this.

[If it were not for the fact that the plot wanted me to act like a simp for you, do you think I would waste my time here.]

[As a villain, I can only sacrifice my image so that the protagonist and you have a happy ending.]

Now Xia Yuqing is sure that this voice really belonged to Yun Ditian. This voice was actually the voice of his heart!

And hearing his inner monologue she can be sure that the world she is living in is the world of novels!

She actually turned out to be the heroine. But who is the protagonist? Yun Ditian calls himself the villain then is the protagonist gonna show up?

Xia Yuqing showed a thoughtful look on her face.

[But I really pity her, although she is the 2nd heroine, at least she is one of the first heroines to get conquered by Ye Chen. But after his harem increases and he starts to get more powerful, he starts to ignore her unless he wants to have sex.]

[Who can blame him, the Xia Family is only useful for him in the beginning. After that he integrates the Xia Family to his Ye family and engulfs their whole assets in the name of marriage.]

Listening to Yun Ditians heart and seeing the pity and sympathy in his eyes, Xia Yuqing almost fried on the spot.

Is this guy insane!? He said that she will be in a harem and her family will just disappear and get taken advantage of?

Even though she knew that no normal person would deceive themselves when talking to themselves in their hearts, she found it hard to believe Yun Ditian.

"Qing'er, I like you! Will you be my girlfriend?" Yun Ditian said with a look of infatuation in his eyes.

[Pooh, I almost vomited. The dog author only knows how to bring shame to his characters.]

[Now, the protagonist should appear and confront me. I hope he will arrive faster. I would rather go home and lay flat for the next 2 months until the end of my arc arrives.]

If she did not have the ability to listen to Yun Ditians heart, she would have actually done what You Ditian wanted her to do. But now she is waiting to see if the so-called protagonist will really appear.

And she is sure that the so-called protagonist in Yun Ditians words is actually the bodyguard she hired yesterday after he saved her from a robbery.

"Stop! Who are you to confess to Qing'er?" A magnetic voice resounded in the area.

Yun Ditian saw a tall and handsome man walking towards him. He was tall, just about the same height as himself, with a handsome face but a disgusting smile hanging in his face that Ye Chen seems to think is his most charming smile.

[WTF! Does he think that smile is awesome? No wonder the heroines are brain dead. Who would fall for that smile?]

[Currently he should be working as a bodyguard for Xia Yuqing.]

[Now after I ask "Who is this man?" in an angry voice, he will reply "QIng'er's boyfriend". Xia Yuqing as a brain dead heroine should not say anything because he is helping her get rid of me, a pesky bug.]

"Who is this man?" Yun Ditian shouted in an 'angry' voice.

"Qing'er's boyfriend" Ye Chen said loudly, not to be outdone with his disgusting smile.

He really knows the plot!

Then it is true that my family will…

After getting the confirmation that what Yun Ditian is saying was actually true, Xia Yuqing started to develop a feeling of disgust for Ye Chen.

Even though it was true that he saved her from getting robbed, she will not promise herself to him for such a minor reason.

[Teehee, now if things are going the same way I think, I should order my two bodyguards to hit him. After he beats down my bodyguards I should rush up and get beaten up too.]

[It would be better if he can kili me on the spot, his protagonist halo will allow him to buy some time to escape my family pursuit.]

Xia Yuqing, who was thinking of how to act next, showed a stunned look on her face.

He wants to die!?

But why?

[This life is fragrant and all but ultimately I am supposed to die for the world to not get destroyed. If it were not for this, I would not even think of acting the way I was acting before.]

Xia Yuqing's head was about to explode from the amount of information she obtained today.

She is living in the world of novels and is a heroine in it. She is destined to be in the protagonist's harem and her family is just a tool for the protagonist to develop and get stronger.

Ye Chen who seems like a good guy is actually a disgusting person according to Yun Ditian's true emotion.

While Yun Ditian acts like a bad guy but is just forced to be so because he is tasked with such a job to ensure the world does not get destroyed.

If Yun Ditian knew what thoughts XIa Yuqing was having, he would faint on the spot.

Good guy! Really a living treasure.

How could anyone interpret something like that?

Now the last trace of affection Xia Yuqing had for Ye Chen also completely vanished with utter disgust developing in her heart towards him.

While all this was happening in her head, Yun Ditian had already ordered his bodyguards to take care of Ye Chen.


A loud sound awoke Xia Yuqing from her thoughts. Looking towards the source of the sound, she found that Yun Ditian's bodyguards had fainted and now Yun Ditian was charging towards Ye Chen.

"Stop!" Just as Ye Chen was planning to hit Yun Ditian, he heard Xia Yuqing's shout which made him subconsciously stop. Even Yun Ditian stopped on his track and looked at Xia Yuqing with a confused face.

[Eldest Miss, why are you stopping us? I clearly remember that you have no dialogue for now!]

Hearing Yun Ditian's voice, Xia Yuqing glared at him.

Do you think I am really a character in a novel?

She is also a living person with flesh and blood and her own consciousness. She knows that if she lets things happen as Yun Ditian wants, then her family will really perish.

She doesn't want that to happen!

After thinking of what to do next, a playful look flashed in her eyes that did not escape Yun Ditians eyes.

He had an ominous premonition in his heart for no reason.

You want to play with me? Then let's play!

"Ye Chen stop, did I order you to hit someone? Do you think you can be presumptuous in front of me? And don't call me Qing'er like we know each other, when did I become your girlfriend?" Xia Yuqing shouted angrily.

Hearing her shout, Ye Chen was dumbfounded and slowly his face turned red.

A woman actually shouted at him, the respected Dragon King!?

If it was not for the fact that this woman was what he coveted, he would have killed her on the spot.

Even Yun Ditian beside him was stunned.

[Eldest Miss, This is clearly not the right script!]