I am definitely dreaming

Who am I?

Where am I?

Why am I?

Yun Ditian was unable to comprehend what just happened. Before he could even cease the argument between the pair, everything was already over.

[My hard work! My dream life! My everything! I have lost it all!]

[What has happened to this woman now! Did she take the wrong medicine or is she in her period?]

[Though, being in her period is highly unlikely, she will tell Ye Chen that she is in her period next week so it cannot be now…]


What is he thinking?

And why will I tell Ye Chen about my period schedule?

[Really don't know what the author was smoking when he wrote this novel. He made Xia Yuqing an arrogant and cold swan but also wrote a scenario where she almost gave her chastity for Ye Chen within 2 weeks of meeting him.]

She got her answer as fast as she thought of the question.

Her face became red from anger. She really wanted to beat the crap out of the 'author'.

Leaving these messy thoughts aside, she stepped forward towards Yun Ditian.

"Ditian, did you hear? I said, I like you." Xia Yuqing whispered in Yun Ditians right ear with a playful smile.

Smelling the faint fragrance of the girl as beautiful as a jade beside him and feeling the hot breath that tickled his ear, Yun Ditian subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

[Fairy! Absolute fairy! Does she want to kill me with her words? This woman doesn't know her charm or what. She is clearly playing with fire!]

[Calm Down! Now is not the time to have frivolous thoughts.]

[But I also cannot refuse her now!]

[My character is clearly a simp for her and I must keep on acting like that for the sake of the plot.]

[As long as I die in the end, everything is unnecessary.]

"Cough, Yes I…Cough..I heard you. Then you are willing to be my girlfriend?" Yun Ditian asked with a hint of confusion in his voice.

Listening to him, Xia Yuqing slightly distanced herself from him with a blush hanging on her face.

[Hmm? If she is saying she likes me then why is she distancing herself from me?]

[Like I thought, something is shady!]

"Y-Yes! Cough I Said Yes, I wanna be your girlfriend!" Xia Yuqing said hurriedly, trying to dispel Yun Ditians thoughts.

She doesn't want him to get a hint that she can listen to his heart, not until she can confirm that her family is out of danger!

[Sigh! I must have thought wrong. Now I have to think how to resolve the argument between the protagonists.]

System, a help right now would be great you know!

[Hmm, what if I try to take advantage of her. As the heroine, she will obviously be disgusted by me and start to stay away from me and very well may even get along with Ye Chen again. I mean his halo cannot be underestimated.]

Thinking so, a smile flashed in Yun Ditians eyes. He stepped forward and decided to hug and kiss her. You know, she is already his girlfriend so he can do anything right?

Knowing what Yun Ditian was trying to do, Xia Yuqing started to get nervous.

Even though it was for her family, she does not want to give herself completely to someone she doesn't like.

But this faint trace of struggle lost in the face of her family's benefits. This was her character, she would go to any length for her family.

Even the famous racer from the west would get ashamed if he competed with her in the tournament to see who loved their family the most.

This was one of the main reasons she was tempted so easily by Ye Chen. He offered great benefits for her family at the beginning, albeit those were for his own benefits.

So, she just accepted her fate and closed her eyes. But a minute passed and nothing happened.

Opening her eyes in suspicion, she saw Yun Ditian's twisted face.

Let's go back to 2 minutes ago.

As Yun Ditian was attempting to hug her, the system that had been silent for nearly the entire event suddenly warned him.

"Warning, the host is not allowed to intimately touch the Daughter of Heaven. He will be obliterated by the system in case of any further action."

"Note: Everything other than touching sensitive parts, hugging, kissing and having physical relations is possible."

I will fight with you!

This is what happened.

This was the whole reason Yun Ditians's face twisted.

He was not even allowed to touch his own girlfriend!

[Fuck! I am not even allowed to do anything to the female protagonists! Isn't this straight up killing me! She is my girlfriend currently god damnit!]


Xia Yuqing instantly covered her mouth and stopped herself from laughing, but this could not escape the eyes of Yun Ditian.

[She dares to laugh! If it was not for this stupid restriction, she would know why I was called the Beast of the Night!]

Hearing such frivolous words from Yun Ditian's heart, Xia Yuqing blushed. This is clearly a rogue!

[Why is she turning red now, is she sick?]

You are sick! Your whole family is sick!

Xia Yuqing was now controlling herself from biting Yun Ditian. She controlled her anger by breathing heavily and gritting her teeth.

Looking at that incomparably handsome face in front of her, a bold idea came to mind.

She suddenly reached out and hugged Yun Ditian.

Before he could even react, she directly kissed him in the lips.

A sweet and cool touch was the only feeling Yun Ditian felt, everything else went blank. Even the audience went into a terrible silence. No one dared to produce a single noise. They did not want to destroy this moment at all.

Some company employees were bold enough to take photos as well.

Silence! Heavy SIlence!

Though not a deep kiss, this kiss lasted for one minute. For Yun Ditian, it felt like heaven as well as hell.

The moment he tried to take the initiativ, the warning would sound. The only good thing was that he could at least grasp her snake-like waist.

Xia Yuqing also seemed to know what she had just done so she pushed Yun Ditian slightly and ran away, blushing in her face, ear and even her neck looking like a red tomato.

She could not believe she just did that!

It's gone! My precious innocence is gone!

Here Yun Ditian was screaming crazily in his heart, like an aggrieved daughter in law who just got harassed by her husband.

Humph, that woman dared to steal my first kiss! But now there is no way back. I can only cheap her…

With a dejected and tired face Yun Ditian looked up in the sky with tears in his eyes.

If Xia Yuqing was here, she would beat Yun Ditian to death. He acted like he was the victim while if it were other men, they would know that they took a huge advantage from this ordeal.

I am going home! Everything is ruined! I must be definitely dreaming, if not…


Yun Ditian walked dejectedly towards his Rolls Royce, and galloped away to his residence.

Obviously not knowing that what happened today was not the last of it all and his future path was just as bleak and difficult.

Well, obviously in a good way, right?