Time to shine

At this time, Yun Ditian had already read all of Ye Ling's information.

Very good, it is the same as the setting in the novel, there is no difference.

Now let's start the drama. I could finish it with my eyes closed, and it was the kind of drama that received an oscar!

Liu Hu's performance just now made Yun Ditian see again what a real villain should be like. Compared with him, he is indeed a little far behind.

But that doesn't matter anymore. As long as the pan can be completed, he can finish his task and return to the real world.

"Let's go downstairs." Yun Ditian brought his bodyguards to the hall.

At this time, everyone's eyes were attracted to Liu Hu and the others, so they did not notice Yun Ditian. Yun Ditian did not immediately intervene.

Because now is not the right time to make a move. To make a person feel pain. Don't knock him down as soon as he's on the road to success.

Instead, when he was about to reach the end, kick him back to the starting point. Only in this way can Ye Chen hate Yun Ditian to the core.

"What are you?" Liu Hu looked at Ye Chen, who was all dressed up with 'dirty' clothes, with disdain in his eyes.

None of the rich people around him interfered in his affairs. An ordinary person dared to come over and seek death.

Ye Chen snickered in his heart.

Originally, Ye Chen was still thinking about how to make a name for himself in front of everyone.

Now it's not just someone giving him a chance to build his image.

He can even gain a wave of Ye Ling's favorability.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Ye Chen walked in front of Liu Hu, pulled Ye Ling behind him, and then looked at Liu Hu with a righteous and awe-inspiring look.

Whether in terms of image or momentum, Ye Chen is in stark contrast to the unreasonable Liu Hu.

"Sir, it was obvious that you bumped into this lady on purpose just now, so the tea cup in her hand spilled on you."

"And when the water cup spilled, you deliberately stood in its way!" After being dismantled by Ye Chen, there was some panic in his eyes.

Liu Hu angrily rebuked, "Fuck you, why would I deliberately frame her? She is just a little maid!"

Ye Chen sneered, and the corners of his mouth rose to a magical arc.

"Everyone knows the reason. You just want this beautiful lady to accompany you to bed."

"Didn't you just say it yourself?" Everyone present knew it.

Even Ye Ling, at this moment, could see it very clearly.

She was walking all right and she was sure there was no obstacle in her way.

And the teacup was sprinkled on this person's body accurately.

It feels a little strange no matter how you think about it.

As for why no one stood up just now, it was because no one wanted to plot against Liu Yong.

The Liu family is considered a first-class family in East Sea City, with huge power, and it is not comparable to ordinary wealthy families.

It's a loss to have a bad relationship with such a family for the sake of a woman.

But Ye Chen is a thougtful person.

What he has to do now is to start a conflict with some families and provide a legitimate reason for destroying them in the future.

Hearing Ye Chen say what everyone wanted to say, everyone looked at Liu Hu to see how he would resolve the matter.

Liu Hu's face was red and the anger in his eyes was about to burst out.

"You are clearly slandering me!" Liu Hu would naturally not admit that what he did just now was intentional.

"This chick has soiled my clothes and can't afford to pay for it. I naturally want her to accompany me for one night!'

"Clothes can be measured by price, but a woman's first night is priceless!"

"Fuck you!" Liu Hu disdainfully said.

"How many women are selling themselves without a care for their first time now? How much is their first time worth? How many thousands? Tens of thousands?"

"I paid one million to buy her first time, which is already giving her an advantage! "

Ye Ling gritted her teeth and looked at Liu Hu angrily. She's not the kind of woman who sells her body for money. If she wanted money, she would have already lived a rich life. Would she still be working as a waiter here?

"Sir, I will compensate you for your suit, as long as you give me some time." Ye Ling looked at him and said indifferently.

"Give you time?" Liu Hu looked at her with a sneer, "One million, even if you come here every day to be a waiter, it will take two or three years to save enough."

"Do you still want me to wait for you for two or three years?:

"Woman, let me tell you, either give me money or sleep with me tonight!" Everyone present heard this, and all sighed and shook their heads.

Suddenly, Ye Chen shouted to the crowd.

"Do you know why he insisted on letting this young lady come to sleep with him?"

Everyone looked at Ye Chen suspiciously, waiting for him to answer. However, many people speculated that Liu Yong was greedy for Ye Ling's body.

Ye Chen enjoyed the attention of people. The corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Because he can't do that, he wants to use this method to cover up his illness!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Liu Hu's face was even more ashen.

Why does this guy know about my illness?

In the original novel, Liu Hu's overindulgence caused his second brother to slump at a young age.

No man wants to let others know about his shortcomings.

There have been rumors before about it that he can't even control. The reason why he made such a big noise today is also to eliminate that rumor.

As for how Ye Chen knew, because he not only had practiced martial arts, but also had superb medical skills.

Some diseases, he can see at a glance.

At this moment, Liu Hu instantly became a clown for everyone to make fun of.

"It seems that I didn't come to the auction tonight for nothing."

"I didn't expect to meet the bereaved dog who was fired by my fiancée here."

Yun Ditian, who was standing outside the crowd, suddenly spoke, his voice overpowering the sneers of everyone.

[It's time to show real acting skills!]

Everyone present immediately gave way to Yun Ditian.

Looking at Yun Ditian who came over, Ye Chen clenched his hands tightly and his knuckles creaked.

Yun Ditian's ears kept ringing the system's prompt tone.

He is gonna harvest shit tons of Hatred Value today, get his desired skills, die and go back and reach the pinnacle of his life!!

[That's right, I must make you hate me to the bones tonight!]

Liu Hu saw Yun Ditian, and there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

He came to Yun Ditian with a look of grievance.

"Young Master Yun, you have to help me get justice!"

"It's up to the owner to stand up for his dog!" Yun Ditian patted Liu Hu on the shoulder.

"Since you are my dog, your master will definitely seek justice." Liu Hu's expression was stunned, and he forced a smile.

Yun Ditian looked at Ye Chen with disdain.

"You know you're not my opponent, so you chose to attack my dog?"

"Ye Chen, you're not too bad, aren't you?"

"You can only bully the soft and fear the hard ones, right?"

"Also, although Liu Hu is not good in that aspect, but that's his private affair!"

"Even a doctor does not have the right to publicly tell the patient's condition."

"You, a person who has studied medicine for many years, don't even have such professional ethics!"