
Rosie's eyes blinked slowly. The surrounding light was dazzling. The girl closed her eyes again because she was too tired. She didn't know what she had been through to make her body feel this tired. Maybe because she ran out of the office and cried loudly on the side of the road.

Hahahaha… How ridiculous, she thought. Now she was amused by herself after remembering how stupid she had been to cry for someone who liked her best friend.

Yeah, Rosie had to go back and pretend nothing happened. At least she still had to look cool. Her pride would not be easily broken. Rosie would come back and slap Bryan just once.


Damn, the realization hit her hard. She just remembered that she was almost hit by a truck!

Almost? No, no… Rosie remembered being hit by a truck!

Rosie remembered seeing blood splattered on the pavement. She should be dead!

The girl opened her eyes wide!

"Am I in heaven?" she asked subconsciously when she saw a room that sparkled so beautifully.

Rosie forced herself to sit up. A subtle smile was etched on her lips, seeing a row of shiny objects in that room. Above her was a grand chandelier. The bed was so soft and fluffy. The thick blanket was warm and silky against her skin.

"Wow… I don't know that in heaven we get our own room. This is so beautiful!"

Rosie's admiration grew when she saw the gold ornaments in the room. She touched a white flower vase carefully, afraid of breaking it.

Cool! Heaven was not too different from the world she lived in, she thought. She opened one of the doors and saw a bathroom that was so spacious and shining. Even the bathroom was much nicer than her apartment.

If living in heaven was like this, Rosie didn't mind leaving things behind so soon. She chuckled as she almost cursed at her misfortune of dying young, but now look…. she got a better life!

Even if she had worked a hundred more years as a corporate slave, Rosie would never have got a room as grandiose as this!

"Wow! Is this the compensation for the good deed I've done on earth? If so, thank you very much God!" said Rosie happily.

Rosie ran around her room. She checked a cupboard containing a row of clothes. Once again, she couldn't help but gasp in awe at the wardrobe full of beautiful dresses.

"Oh… maybe this is a Victorian-era version of heaven," she muttered.

Maybe because she read a fantasy romance book with a royal background before she died, it was embedded in her mind that she wished she could live as royalty like this. And God listened to her heart's desire.

"Hehehe… I actually win the heavens!"

Rosie looked for a mirror to try on one of the dresses.

She stopped in front of the mirror. Her body froze.

"Wh-who are you?" she asked the reflection of a girl in the mirror.

That girl was very beautiful. Her eyes sparkled with emerald green irises as if a vast forest embedded in her eyes. Her hair was curly pink like cotton candy. Her face looked healthy and very smooth, with no blemish at all. She looked a little pale, though.

A shiver ran down Rosie's spine as the girl was following her movements. When Rosie opened her mouth, the girl in the mirror also opened her mouth. When Rosie raised her hand, the girl also raised her hand. When Rosie did push-ups until she was sweating, the girl was sweating in the same place too!


Rosie's panicked scream shook the entire castle. Her bedroom door swung open and a man with the same hair color as hers appeared with a worried expression.

"My dear, Rosie… W-what happened?" the man asked hysterically.

Rosie shunned the man. She swept her gaze frantically at the women, who also came in a hurry. The girl knitted her brows, looking frightened at the people waiting for her to speak.

"My dear… y-you can tell me. What has happened? Brother promise to always protect you."


Who was that handsome madman who claimed to be her older brother? Rosie was the only child in her family! After her father died, her mother never remarried, so she never had a half-brother either.

"Dear mother Gaia. You don't remember your own brother? Call a doctor right now!!!" The man ordered the women in maid clothes behind him. They immediately dashed out of the room as if being chased by a dog.

The handsome man claiming to be her brother took a step forward, but Rosie grabbed a glass vase from a nearby table, threatening to hit the man if he walked any closer.

"Rosie, put the vase back, honey bee. You should rest. Maybe your head is a little dizzy from hitting the river rocks too hard. I promise to take good care of you. I'm sorry for my negligence that you hurt like this."

Rosie's heart skipped a beat. This was the first time someone had treated her so gently. Living as a single woman for 32 years certainly made Rosie an independent woman who never leaned on anyone.

The man's voice was so soft. It made Rosie's heart warm. The glow on his face was so amazing. Rosie thought she was in a fairy tale and was meeting the main lead right now.

Rosie stretched out her hand and the handsome man smiled softly, making Rosie want to cry.

He was the most handsome man Rosie had ever seen. His firm features were adorned by two beautiful eyes that gazed at her gently. Rosie was like seeing a dream. So beautiful and apparent.

Rosie looked around and remembered where she was now. None of the answers made sense. The girl took a deep breath and then exhaled it slowly.

'Calm down, Rosie, everything will be fine. If you're being held captive, keep your expression and be cool. Think logically with a cool head, then you'll be fine.'

Rosie was trying to calm herself down. The girl turned to the handsome man, who was holding her hand tightly.


Oh, yes…. Rosie had to pretend to get into this situation.

The girl cleared her throat to clear her nervousness. "Brother? I-I'm a little dizzy. Could you tell me where we are now?"

"You finally remember me, Rosie posie?"

Rosie closed her eyes as the man smiled. It was so bright that it blinded her eyes for a moment. The girl laughed awkwardly at the man calling her by a weird name.

"O-of course I remember," she replied with an awkward laugh.

The man hugged Rosie for a moment, making the girl almost stumble backwards.

"My dear Rosie! You know I almost died when I heard you fell into the river!"

Huh? Fell into the river? She remembered she died when she was hit by a truck. Okay, whatever it was, Rosie is going to act as the man wishes so she could get out of this weird place.

The man let go of her hand. He cupped Rosie's face gently, making her heart flutter. Rosie had never been treated so gently, and it made her feel sad as well as happy.

"Okay, I'll try to explain for a bit. Maybe you can remember what happened when you fell into the river later."

Rosie nodded, waiting for the handsome man to speak.

"Do you remember what we came here for?"

Rosie shook her head.

"Alright, we are currently at Duke Aslan Montgomery's manor."

Aslan Montgomery? Hm… why does that name sound so familiar… but it felt like she didn't have a friend named Aslan?

The girl nodded, asking the handsome man to continue talking.

"We will attend Duke Aslan's birthday party as well as Duke Aslan's first anniversary as a Duke. We come as the representatives of the king who cannot attend the event. You know, father is sick..."

King? Father? Rosie raised her hand to tell the man to stop talking.

"Okay-okay… this is crazy. King? Sick father? No, you're wrong… My name is Rosie. Roseanne Meyer. My father is not sick…. My father died a long time ago!"

"Rosie!" The man's rebuke made Rosie's body stiffen instantly. The man's aura was really strong and menacing. "What did you say, Rosie? You are Roseanne Villiers. The daughter of King Bradley Villiers. You're my sister, Roseanne."

Roseanne Villiers? Bradley Villiers? The girl's hands trembled as she realised one thing.

"Y-you are... Howland Villiers?" she asked with a pale face.

The man looked at Rosie with a confused look. "What's the matter with you Rosie? You are not confused by names anymore? I think we should get all those rocks out of the river. They messed up your head."


The man named Howland also removed the tension on his face. He smiled gently at his sister.

"Yes, my dear Rosie."


Rosie had entered the novel 'Love You Until The End'.