Rosie Wants To Get Close To Lily

Rosie was happy that she was getting close to some people in Aslan Montgomery's castle. At first, she might force them to have meals with her, but after that, they were starting to open up and were hesitant to tell her how the owner of the castle treated them.

From the information Rosie had, she could tell that Aslan wasn't a bad person. The man never treated his staff as he pleased.

In one year as well, Aslan succeeded in proving that the territory under his control could rise from a deserted land to a prosperous territory. It was such a huge achievement that for such a short time after the incident twenty years ago, he recreated that place.

This area used to be a hideout for bandits, but Aslan ruled this place and things got better. The crime rate was slowly decreasing and many newcomers from out of the territory came to visit and stayed overnight.

Aslan's firm demeanor made everything go according to the man's will. However, his cold expression often scared people. It was extremely difficult to approach him.

The only person who could approach him so casually was Howland Villiers, Aslan's close friend since in the academy.

Rosie asked her maids and knights to spend time together in the garden. Since she was no longer allowed to go out outside the castle, all Rosie could do was leisurely enjoy her time by doing nothing.

Of course, Rosie's soul, who was not used to all these unproductive things, was bored to death. Even sitting reading a book feels so boring. Rosie needed an activity.

But what should she do? With all this tight guard, there was nothing she could do.

Ah! Instantly, an idea flashed through her head.

"Sarah, the horse I used yesterday was Duke Aslan's horse, right?" Rosie asked, closing her book again.

"That's right, Your Highness. Duke Aslan adores the horse very much, but since Lily hasn't been very well lately, Duke Aslan gave it extra care and didn't use it just yet."

Rosie nodded in understanding. No wonder last night, the man looked agitated when he found out that Rosie had left the horse alone in an unguarded place.

The girl stood up, causing Sarah and the other two maids to stand up as well.

"I want to go to Lily's stable again."

Instantly, the face of the person who accompanied Rosie turned pale. They shook their heads profusely, asking the princess not to do anything that would anger the Duke again.

They were afraid that the miracle would not come a second time. It was a miracle that Duke Aslan didn't punish them. Thus, they didn't want to take any risks again.

"Your Highness, I think the scenery here is very beautiful. We could spend hours here," Sarah said, trying to convince Rosie not to return to the stable.

"I will not run away again. I have atoned for my mistakes," the girl replied. She was still determined to go to the stable.

Rosie needed physical activity and just sitting quietly in the garden wasn't going to make her feel any better. She thought about playing a little with Lily. From the novel she read, Lily was gifted by Howland, and became the first gift that Aslan received, so Aslan took great care of it.

If Rosie wanted to get Aslan's attention, then Rosie had to get close to the things the man liked.

Rosie had guessed the horse's age, and Lily was probably an old horse. Her grandmother said a one-year-old horse was equal to a six-year-old human.

Rosie ignored Sarah's request not to return to the training grounds where Lily's stable was. The two knights who were always on guard near Rosie also asked the girl to come back, but Rosie had made up her mind. She wanted to be friends with Lily so Aslan could trust her too.

While passing through the castle yard, Rosie saw the silhouette of Aslan reading a book near the same window that she believed was his office. The girl paused to look up at him.

Feeling someone's gaze looking at him persistently, Aslan turned his head to the side and saw the princess followed by her maids and knights, standing below while waving her hand at him. Aslan quickly averted his eyes to the book he was reading, pretending not to see the princess.

He didn't like this situation. Howland gave him orders to return to the castle just to look after his little sister. However, if he was given the choice, Aslan would prefer to stay in the border area.


Rosie returned to the training grounds. It was already noon, so no one was practicing there. She walked quickly to Lily's stable.

The horse looked weak and sickly. Rosie remembered she spurred the horse really fast yesterday, even though the stallion had long passed its prime time.

Rosie crouched while watching Lily sitting with its four legs folded on the haystack.

"Hi!" said Rosie as she reached out her hand to stroke Lily's head. "I'm sorry for making you run so fast at your old age yesterday. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Lily just kept quiet and closed its eyes again. Rosie recalled a memory in her past where she had seen an old horse belonging to her grandparents who died of illness. It seemed Lily had been through the battlefield with Aslan a lot, seeing from its gallant body.

Lily wasn't sick from illness. It was time for the horse to rest.

"Princess, do you plan to run away again?" Aslan asked, standing behind Rosie's back while leaning against the entrance of the stable.

Rosie looked back. She couldn't find Sarah and the others. Only Aslan was there.

"Aslan!" said Rosie with a too cheerful expression. "I thought you were busy."

Aslan kept a straight face. "I came back because Howland specifically ordered me to look after you. After yesterday's incident, of course, I have to be more careful so that it doesn't happen again."

Rosie chuckled as if what had happened yesterday wasn't a big deal. Aslan walked closer, and he was amazed to see Lily so calm around a stranger.