I'll Go Wherever You Go

He didn't like this. Aslan felt that Rosie was toying with him. He quickened his pace and his keen ear could hear the sound of Rosie's footsteps chasing after him. 

"Fuck!" cursed Aslan, feeling he was at a dead end. 

He glanced back at Rosie, who was already behind him. With a quick movement, Aslan evaded and ran, leaving the girl who was chasing him again. 

In the empty hallway, Aslan used the opportunity to get away from Rosie. When he got to the staircase of the castle, he met several guards and servants who happened to be there and glanced at him.

Aslan immediately put on a flat expression on his face and walked leisurely before Rosie caught him again. And it didn't take long for the girl to catch up with him. Aslan pretended not to be affected by this. He didn't want to embarrass himself because he made the rules to forbid everyone from running inside the castle, yet he had violated his own rules.