Aslan's Anger

Aslan had made his choice. He would accept all the consequences. Maybe the king wouldn't approve of it, but Aslan had many ways to get it. Howland said that he preferred if Aslan became the man who married Rosie. There was nothing for Aslan to worry about now.

Even though he was only a lowly noble, and the Duke status he carried was only a gift, not from birth, Aslan had enough wealth to fulfill all of Princess Roseanne's needs.

After hours of contemplating what action he should take, Aslan went to Howland to give him an answer, but he found Howland was getting ready to leave the castle.

"Where do you want to go?" Aslan asked.

"To pick up Rosie. I still can't believe Nicholas one hundred percent."

"Roseanne isn't back yet?" asked Aslan frantically.

Howland, who was wearing his coat, glanced at his friend and smiled lopsidedly.

"Now, it was Roseanne, huh? Have you decided?" he asked.