Can't Get Enough

The sky outside had darkened, showing that night had come. Rosie, who was lying on top of Aslan's body, clearly heard Sarah's call just now. However, her body felt like it was crushed, so she couldn't move. 

She looked up to see Aslan who was still panting, trying to catch his breath. Feeling someone's eyes, Aslan lowered his head. Aslan and Rosie stared at each other. The two didn't want to be separated. Rosie just wanted to sleep right now, while Aslan still wanted to do at least one more round. 

Aslan also clearly heard someone's call out there. However, if it wasn't something urgent for them, Aslan was eager to deafen his ears and let Howland go alone to the palace. 

Aslan wanted to tell Rose that he still wanted to spend the night with the girl, but Rosie suddenly stood up and left him on the bed alone. The warmth that surrounded his body instantly disappeared, causing Aslan to sigh in disappointment.