Rosie's Amazement

Rosie passed through the open hallway, and her mouth opened again after seeing the beauty of the garden in front of her.

"Whoaaaaa, is it spring now? The flowers are blooming so beautifully!" Rosie exclaimed, then paused to see the pretty sight of the garden in front of her. 

The maids looked at each other.

(Oh, princess….)

(Did Princess Roseanne faint during her visit out of the palace? Do we need to call the doctor?)

(Is Princess Roseanne all right? She seems to be acting strange this morning)

Someone cleared her throat, asking for permission to speak.

"Princess, are you feeling tired? Or do you feel any pain? I can bring you something refreshing if you want," said the maid.

Rosie turned her head and saw the expressions of all her maids who were looking at her with worried looks on their faces. Was she that weak to the point when she moved a little all the people feeling anxious?