Who Is She?

Aslan thought back to Roseanne who acted very strangely. During his stay in the palace when he was still one of the high commanders of the royal knight, he passed with the princess several times or saw her from a distance. 

Princess Roseanne was a cold person. That was what Aslan had always heard. Howland also said that, although the man said that his sister would only be sweet, spoiled, and adorable when she was with him. Most of Rosie's behaviour was totally the opposite of the story Aslan had heard.

Howland said his sister was so frail that the man never taught her to swim or ride a horse. Roseanne hardly ever broke a sweat. However, the Roseanne he met did a lot of sweaty activities, starting from running around his castle every morning, riding a horse like a pro, hopping back and forth like an impatient rabbit.

Aslan tried to find out more about his wife. Ah! About the girl's opinion of the revolutionary army!