What Rosie Wants Vs Aslan Wants

Aslan carried Rosie to his room. He kept the teleportation portal open so that if the two heard a knock, Aslan could immediately return the girl to her room.

Aslan gently laid Rosie down on his bed. His room in the palace was now much better than when he was still working as a knight. In the past, when he was still a first-rate knight, Aslan even had to share a bunk bed with three other men.

Only when he became a commander, Aslan got his own room even though the facilities were very simple. It was only a bed that was too small for his body and set up a table and chair. 

However, now that he was back as a Duke of Westalis, Aslan had a room no less beautiful than in his castle. Maybe it could be said that it was more spacious and had lots of fittings and a shiny marble floor with some gold ornaments adorning the entire room.