Be The Ice Princess, Roseanne Villiers

After the maid had left, Rosie turned to the side with a wide smile that annoyed Aslan. Aslan was upset not that his favorite activities had been interrupted. He was annoyed that Rosie looked completely unburdened that the two of them were seen together.

The girl's hand was already on his zipper. Maybe if the maid came late, she would have found Aslan fucking Rosie in the cramped and dirty room. Aslan rubbed his face. He felt himself to be almost the same as an animal that could not control its burning lust.

But, Rosie started it first, right? Aslan just got a little carried away… 

"Should we walk together to the dining hall?" Rosie asked.

Aslan took a deep breath and then shook his head. "I have to take you to Howland first. Remember, the whole palace is looking for you," he replied briefly and then turned away from Rosie, who was giggling like nothing serious had happened before.