Aslan's Refusal

Rosie got up from her bed and leaned on the headboard.

"I feel like… I'm always sleepy when you're not around and become full of energy whenever you're near me. Like this morning, I almost fell asleep on top of the tower, and instantly felt fresh when I was with you."

"You still looked fine when we had breakfast," replied Aslan, remembering Rosie's fresh face this morning.

"Maybe because you're near me," Rosie said. She wasn't sure either. "Then, when I spent time with my cousin, I felt really sleepy too. I yawned several times to hold back the sleepiness until they brought up the topics that irritated me," she continued while remembering how upset she was to hear her cousins fantasize about Aslan.

"Irritated? What upsets you?"

Rosie glanced at Aslan in annoyance. Then, she looked at the man from head to toe. "It doesn't matter. You don't need to know," the girl replied.