Not Tonight

Rosie just smiled. She wasn't that kind. Rosie just wanted the maid to keep her mouth shut. She bribed the maid with some money, so that the incident in the storage room would not be heard by anyone. 

Rosie closed the door again and locked it tightly. Aslan was still standing by the bed with his arms folded across his chest.

"You gave all the money to someone? What are you using that kind of money for?" he asked Rosie who had just returned.

"Oh, you remember the maid who caught us red-handed in the storage room this morning? I gave her money to keep her mouth shut so she wouldn't gossip about us," Rosie replied lightly.

Aslan frowned. "And you gave it all? One hundred and fifty gold coins?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, only one hundred and fifty, right? I mean… you have a lot of money, don't you, Aslan? If you have a problem with it, I will pay you back immediately."