The Troublemaker (1)

Rosie crouched down to confirm that the woman cowering in fear was really a palace maid. The little boy beside her was crying. When Rosie walked closer, she saw a basket filled with a sleeping baby. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. Was the baby really just asleep?

"Hey, are you really the maid from yesterday?" Rosie asked, making sure she was right.

The woman nodded weakly. Rosie held the woman's hand, which was covered in blood. 

"What happened? Why are you here? What happened to you?"

The maid couldn't answer. Her lip was cut, and she felt like a part of her tooth had come off, so she couldn't answer Rosie's question.

Rosie looked back, searching for Howland or Aslan. She had to ask for help immediately. 

"Wait here a moment! I will call for help!" Rosie said hurriedly. She was about to leave the woman, but when Rosie just got up, the woman grabbed her hand, forbidding her to go.