Hard To Let Go

Rosie yawned. It felt like she had only been asleep for a few minutes, but the sunlight already shone on her eyes, waking her up. She touched the other side of the bed, but she did not find Aslan there. Rosie then chose to get up. 

When she had just sat, someone kissed her forehead, causing Rosie to open her eyes wide.

"Oh, Aslan ..."

"I have to meet Howland. Sorry, I can't bathe you today."

Rosie laughed and then straightened her nightgown. Out of the many things, Aslan actually talked about trivial things. 

"It's okay, I can do it myself," she replied.

However, when Rosie wanted to get up, she felt a pain in her bottom. The pain was similar to when she had sex with Aslan for the first time. Was it because Rosie was too aggressive last night?

"Do you need help?" asked Aslan.

"Ah, no, I can do it alone."