Wake Her Up

"Roseanne…." the voice buzzed in Rosie's head again. She looked back and still couldn't find anyone there. Rosie reached for the cloth to cover the cupboard. However, before covering it again, Rosie wanted to check the inside of the cupboard.

There was nothing special, only a silver box containing various types and sizes of sewing needles. It was probably used for the sewing machine Rosie saw earlier.

"Your Highness?" 


Rosie screamed in surprise when someone called her name. When she looked back, she found a maid who looked exhausted.

Rosie gripped the box of needles very hard and hid it in her pocket.

"Ah, you surprised me," she said, while patting the maid on the shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I saw the door to the tower was open, and I was worried that someone might sneak in. This tower has been abandoned for a long time, and maybe there are some parts of the stairs that are rotten with time, so I'm worried," the maid said.